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A React Native component to place text and icons on images you specify.

Image React Native


react-native-image-marker npm version PRs Welcome

Add text or icon watermark to your images





  • npm install react-native-image-marker --save
  • react-native link

iOS Pod Install

You can use pod instead of link. Add following lines in your Podfile:

pod 'RNImageMarker', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-image-marker'


name parameter return decription
markText TextMarkOption Promise<String> mark image with text
markImage ImageMarkOption Promise<String> mark image with icon
  • TextMarkOption
name description
src image url
text the text you want to mark with
position text position(topLeft,topRight,topCenter, center, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight)
X distance from the left, if you have set position yet you don't need to set this property again
Y distance from the top, if you have set position you don't need to set this property again
color text color
fontName fontName
fontSize fontSize
shadowStyle text's shadow style: iOS's NSShadowAttributeName, Android's textPaint.shadowLayerStyle
scale scale image
quality image qulaity
filename set filename for the result
textBackgroundStyle text background style
  • ImageMarkOption
name description
src image url
markerSrc the icon you want to mark with
position text position(topLeft,topRight,topCenter, center, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight)
X distance from the left, if you have set position yet you don't need to set this property again
Y distance from the top, if you have set position you don't need to set this property again
markerScale scale icon
scale scale image
quality image qulaity
filename set filename for the result
  • ShadowStyle
name description
radius blur radius
dx x offset
dy y offset
color shadow color
  • textBackgroundStyle

thanks @onka13 for #38

name description
paddingX padding X
paddingY padding y
type default is fit the text, stretchX stretch to fill width, stretchY stretch to fill height
color bg color


import ImageMarker from "react-native-image-marker"  ··· // add text watermark to a photo   this.setState({     loading: true  })  Marker.markText({     src: img.uri,     text: 'text marker',      X: 30,     Y: 30,      color: '#FF0000',     fontName: 'Arial-BoldItalicMT',     fontSize: 44,     shadowStyle: {         dx: 10.5,         dy: 20.8,         radius: 20.9,         color: '#ff00ff'     },     textBackgroundStyle: {         type: 'stretchX',         paddingX: 10,         paddingY: 10,         color: '#0f0'     },     scale: 1,      quality: 100  }).then((res) => {      this.setState({         loading: false,         markResult: res      })     console.log("the path is"+res)  }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err)     this.setState({         loading: false,         err     })  })  ··· this.setState({     loading: true }) Marker.markText({     src: img.uri,     text: 'text marker',      position: 'topLeft',      color: '#FF0000',     fontName: 'Arial-BoldItalicMT',      fontSize: 44,      scale: 1,      quality: 100 }).then((res) => {     console.log("the path is"+res)     this.setState({         loading: false,         markResult: res     }) }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err)     this.setState({         loading: false,         err     }) })  // add icon watermark to a photo  const iconUri = icon.uri const backGroundUri = img.uri this.setState({     loading: true })  Marker.markImage({     src: backGroundUri,      markerSrc: iconUri, // icon uri     X: 100, // left     Y: 150, // top     scale: 1, // scale of bg     markerScale: 0.5, // scale of icon     quality: 100 // quality of image }).then((path) => {     this.setState({         uri: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'file://' + path : path,         loading: false     }) }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err, 'err')     this.setState({         loading: false,         err     }) })  Marker.markImage({     src: backGroundUri,      markerSrc: iconUri,      position: 'topLeft',  // topLeft, topCenter,topRight, bottomLeft, bottomCenter , bottomRight, center     scale: 1,      markerScale: 0.5,      quality: 100 }).then((path) => {     this.setState({         uri: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'file://' + path : path,         loading: false     }) }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err, 'err')      this.setState({         loading: false,         err     }) })  // you can also add watermark to a photo with static images Marker.markImage({     src: backGroundUri,      markerSrc: require('./icon.png'),      position: 'topLeft',  // topLeft, topCenter,topRight, bottomLeft, bottomCenter , bottomRight, center     scale: 1,      markerScale: 0.5,      quality: 100 }).then((path) => {     this.setState({         uri: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'file://' + path : path,         loading: false     }) }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err, 'err')      this.setState({         loading: false,         err     }) }) // or base64 Marker.markImage({     src: { uri: `data:img/jpg;base64,/9j/4qqqAQSkZJRgABAQEBLAEsAAD/2wBDAAIBAQEBAQIBAQECAgICAgQDAgICAgUEBAMEBgUGBgYFBgYGBwkIBgcJBwYGCAsICQoKCgoKBggLDAsKDAkKCgr/2wBDAQICAgICAgUDAwUKBwYHCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgr/wAARCAHnAooDASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgddddcI` },      markerSrc: { uri: `data:img/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEBLAEsAAD/2wBDAAIBAQEBAQIBAQECAgICAgQDAgICAgUEBAMEBgUGBgYFBgYGBwkIBgcJBwYGCAsICQoKCgoKBggLDAsKDAkKCgr/2wBDAQICAgICAgUDAwUKBwYHCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgr/wAARCAHnAooDASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcI` },      position: 'topLeft',  // topLeft, topCenter,topRight, bottomLeft, bottomCenter , bottomRight, center     scale: 1,      markerScale: 0.5,      quality: 100 }).then((path) => {     this.setState({         uri: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'file://' + path : path,         loading: false     }) }).catch((err) => {     console.log(err, 'err')      this.setState({         loading: false,         err     }) }) 

Save image to file

  • If you want to save the new image result to the phone camera roll, just use the CameraRoll-module from react-native.
  • If you want to save it to an arbitrary file path, use something like react-native-fs.
  • For any more advanced needs, you can write your own (or find another) native module that would solve your use-case.


@filipef101 @mikaello @Peretz30 @gaoxiaosong @onka13 @OrangeFlavoredColdCoffee



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