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React component for desktop browsers for image zoom on mouse hover.

Image React




React component for desktop browsers for image zoom on mouse hover.




npm install react-image-zoom --save 


import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactImageZoom from 'react-image-zoom';  const props = {width: 400, height: 250, zoomWidth: 500, img: "1.jpg"}; ReactDOM.render(<ReactImageZoom {...props} />, document.getElementById('react-app'));


  • width (number) - width of the source image (required)
  • height (number) - height of the source image. If not provided, browser calculated height is used (optional).
  • zoomWidth (number) - width of the zoomed image. Zoomed image height equals source image height(optional if scale param is provided)
  • img (string) - url of the source image. Provided if container does not contain img element as a tag(optional)
  • scale (number) - zoom scale. if not provided, scale is calculated as natural image size / image size, provided in params (optional if zoomWidth param is provided)
  • offset (object) - {vertical: number, horizontal: number}. Zoomed image offset (optional)
  • zoomStyle (string) - custom style applied to the zoomed image (i.e. 'opacity: 0.1;background-color: white;')(optional)
  • zoomLensStyle (string) custom style applied to to zoom lents (i.e. 'opacity: 0.4;background-color: gray;')


  • add sourceImg, zoomedImg properties to make it possible to use different images for source and zoomed images

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