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An image crop editor component for React Native that supports both iOS and Android. Move the image in the area and crop it.

Image React Native



Image crop editor component for iOS and Android. Move the image in the area and crop it.



This component is dependent of react-native-image-resizer (See Github) which needs to be installed and linked to your project before.

If you don't have rnpm installed on your computer, install it first:

npm install -g rnpm 

Then, install and link the peer dependency:

npm install --save react-native-image-resizer rnpm link 

Now you can install this component

npm install --save react-native-image-crop 


Import the component into the file you want to use it:

import ImageCrop from 'react-native-image-crop';

Use the component directly in your code. The component will automatically fit the parent view.

<View> 	<ImageCrop 		ref={(c) => { this.imageCrop = c; }} 		cropWidth={500} 		cropHeight={500} 		source={{ 			uri: 'https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8073/28582653114_d154039cb9_k.jpg', 		}} 	/> </View>

To crop the image, you can call the method crop() from the component

onButtonPress() { 	this.imageCrop.crop().then((uri) => { 	  // uri contains the cropped image 	}); }

Note: If you use a large image, you might need to preload it before using this component.


Property Type Description
source ImageSource
Source of the image.
This property is mandatory
containerPaddingLeft Number Apply padding on the left of the image
Default: 20
containerPaddingRight Number Apply padding on the right of the image
Default: 20
containerPaddingTop Number Apply padding at the top of the image
Default: 20
containerPaddingBottom Number Apply padding at the bottom of the image
Default: 20
cropWidth Number Enforce the cropped width of the image. This property must be used with cropHeight
cropHeight Number Enforce the cropped height of the image. This property must be used with cropWidth
cropQuality Number Image quality, from 0 to 100
Default: 80


Method Description Example
crop() Crop and, if necessary, resize the image. This method returns a Promise. this.imageCrop.crop().then((uri) => { this.setState({ uri })})


  • Pinch and zoom. Add new properties defaultZoom, minZoom, maxZoom

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