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A React multi-step form component used to create a responsive step-by-step wizard form for your web application.

Form React


Responsive React multistep form component

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React 16.8.x (Hooks! :)

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To use this module in your app run:

npm install react-multistep

next, import it inside of your app:

const MultiStep = import from ('react-multistep')

Component has only one Prop, 'showNavigation', which controls if the navigation buttons should be visable:

prop=showNavigation  type: boolean (default = true)

It takes an array of objects representing individual steps:

const steps = [               {name: 'StepOne', component: <StepOne/>},               {name: 'StepTwo', component: <StepTwo/>},               {name: 'StepThree', component: <StepThree/>},               {name: 'StepFour', component: <StepFour/>}             ]; <Multistep showNavigation={true} steps={steps}/>

If you want to try the example, easiest is to clone the repo locally and explore:

git clone https://github.com/srdjan/react-multistep.git   //clone the repo cd react-multistep                                        //navigate to the project folder  cd src npm install npm run dev  cd ../example npm install npm run dev

To open the example in your favorite browser:

open ./example/index.html   //open index.html

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