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Checkify is a jQuery based form validator that provides realtime, client-side, mobile-friendly validation functionalities on form fields.




A light-weight, mobile-ready and customizable form validation plugin for jQuery, inspired by Validetta



Include jquery.checkify.js and jquery.checkify.css to your page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.checkify.css" />  <!-- checkify is jQuery plugin, so... --> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="jquery.checkify.js"></script> 


<!-- can be any html element, refer to container option --> <form id="my-form">                 <input type="text" data-checkify="minlen=10,required,number" />                 <button>click me</button> </form>


$('#my-form').checkify({     // options     onError: function () {     	console.log('error');     },     onValid: function () {     	console.log('valid');     } });

Supported validation types

  • required: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="required" />
  • minlen: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="minlen=10" />
  • maxlen: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="maxlen=30" />
  • number: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="number" />
  • email: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="email" />
  • regex: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="regex=^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$" />
  • func: usage: <input type="text" data-checkify="func=yourFunctonName" />
    • Chekify will pass $el to your function

Available options

message: {         inactive: false,     // if true. error message won't be shown for required cases     inactiveForRequired: true,     // horizontal gap for error message box     hGap: null,     // vertical gap for error message box     vGap: null,     // can be right or left     position: 'left',     required: 'This field is required.',     email: 'Please enter a valid email address.',     func: 'Invalid data.',     regex: 'Invalid data.',     number: 'Please enter a valid number.',     maxlen: 'Please enter no more than {count} characters.',     minlen: 'Please enter at least {count} characters.',     maxChecked: 'Maximum {count} options allowed.',     minChecked: 'Please select at least {count} options.',     notEqual: 'Please enter the same value again.',     different: 'Fields cannot be the same as each other' }, realTime: false, // css selector or jQuery object, checkify will search for elements inside this container: null, // css selector, this will be used as trigger checkify trigger: null, // callback, can be function   onValid: null, // callback, can be function onError: null



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