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DjValidator is a simple, flexible, powerful jQuery based HTML5 form validator that comes with 20+ built-in validation rules and is easy to extend using your own validations.



DjValidator - jQuery form validation plugin

Version 1.1.1


DjValidator is the jquery plugin for validating web forms, simpler, faster to use and flexible, it does not depend on any UI framework. Available in English and Spanish.

Using the plugin

You can find full examples on folder from DjValidator download.

Install the pulgin

Add jquery and djValidator scripts in your html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/DjValidator.js"></script> 

Full Reference: http://djvalidator.blogspot.com/2017/04/djvalidator.html

Add validation rules:

  • Add the 'novalidate' attribute to disable browser validation.

  • Add validation rules on field forms (data-dj-validator), 'required' attribute is valid:

      	<input name="input1" type="text" data-dj-validator="atext,3,12" required> 

Rules reference: http://djvalidator.blogspot.com/2017/04/validators-reference.html

Use one of these validation modes:

		//attach to submit event: 		$('#form').djValidator();  		 		//call a function when form is valid, no submit event: 		$('#form').djValidator('callback',function($form){ 			alert("Callback executed when the form is valid."); 		});									 		 		//validate form and return true or false, no submit event: 		var resp=$('#form').djValidator('validate'); 		alert("only validate form: "+resp); 		 		//validate only a field: 		var resp=$('#input1').djValidator('field') 		alert("only validate a field: "+resp); 		 		//erase validation messages: 		$('#form').djValidator('clean'); 

API reference: http://djvalidator.blogspot.com/2017/04/api-reference.html


Change validation message:

<input name="user" required data-dj-validator-msg="Please fill the user!"> 

Change validation messages style:

$.setDjValidatorStyle('display:none; text-align:center; color:white; background-color:red;'); 

Add own validations:

With regular expressions:

<input name="textinput" type="text" data-dj-validator="regexp,^[aeiou]+$,i" required> 

With own functions:

<input name="textinput" type="text" data-dj-validator="call,isUpperCase" required>  function isUpperCase($field){ 		value=$field.val(); 		if(value==value.toUpperCase())return true; 		return false; 	} 

Adding a new rule:

<input name="textinput" type="text" data-dj-validator="even,10" required>  $.addDjValidator('even','only even numbers.',function($field,args){ 		value=parseInt($field.val()); 		max=args[1]; 		if(value%2!=1||value>max)return false; 		return true; 	}); 



The DjValidator jquery plugin is written by David Esneyder Jerez Garnica. Email


Copyright (c) 2018 David Esneyder Jerez Garnica. Released under the GPL v3 license.

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