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smValidator is a lightweight jQuery form validator styling with Bootstrap that can be used to validate various types of input fields with custom error messages.

Bootstrap Form-Validation


#jQuery from validation using sm-validator.

##Validation Check

  • Length (Rule name stringLength)
  • Match (Rule name match)
  • Email (Rule name email)
  • Mobile No (Rule name mobile)
  • Count (Rule name count)
  • Remote Ajax Validation (Rule name remote)
  • Not Empty Check (Rule name notEmpty)
  • Dependend Select Field Validation (Rule name itsDependable)
  • Visa card validation (Rule name visaCard)
  • Master card validation (Rule name masterCard)
  • Card date month validation like mm-yyyy(01-2018) (Rule name cardDateMonth)
  • Installation

    Download sm-validator file and include file

    <script type='text/javascript' src='sm-validator.js'></script> 


  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Usages

    smValidator('YourFormID', validationObject, validationType); 

    YourFormID = Your form ID validationObject = Your Validation Rules Object like

    {     fieldName: {         validationRuleName: {             message: 'Your validation failure message',             extraParams:'paramsInfo'         }     } } 

    validationType = Validation type 2 or 1. 1 for submit form validation, if validation failed it will not submit form. 2 for return type like if validation pass then true else false, 3 for ajax from submit. it will return response and showing validation error and if error field not found then show alert.

    ##Demo Usages

    <script type="text/javascript">     (function ($) {         var rules = {             username: {                 stringLength: {                     min: 60,                     max: 160,                     message: "The name length must be within 60 to 160."                 }             },             title: {                 notEmpty: {                     message: "The title is required"                 },                 stringLength: {                     min: 60,                     max: 160,                     message: "The title length must be within 60 to 160."                 }             },             email: {                 notEmpty: {                     message: "The email field is required"                 },                 email: {                     message: "The email must be valid!",                 }             },             password: {                 notEmpty: {                     message: "The password field is required"                 },                 match: {                     message: "The password and confirm password must be match!",                     field: 'confirm_password'                 }             },             mobile: {                 notEmpty: {                     message: "The Mobile no field is required"                 },                 mobile: {                     message: "The Mobile no must be valid!",                 }             },             count: {                 count: {                     type: 'checkbox', //here 2 types available like class and checkbox                     min: 2,                     massageDivId: 'your Message section id',                     message: "The count field must be greter then 2!",                 }             },             remoteCheck: {                 remote: {                     url: 'Your url will be here',                     type: 'get', //your ajax form method and success return must be 1 for true validation                     message: "The count field must be greter then 2!",                 }             },             type: {                 notEmpty: {                     message: "The package type is required"                 },                 itsDependable: {                     rules: {                         1: {                             'pricing_detail_1[price_type]': {                                 'notEmpty': {                                     message: "The package price type is required"                                 }                             },                         },                         2: {                             'pricing_detail_2[basic_pricing_title]': {                                 'notEmpty': {                                     message: "The package basic price title is required"                                 }                             },                         }                     }                  }             }          };          smValidator("smValidationForm", rules, 1);     })(jQuery); </script> 

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