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Valideater is a lightweight jQuery/HTML5 form validator that displays custom erro messages next to the invalid form elements when typing or clicking on the submit button.



Valideater 0.2.2

A jQuery/Zepto form validation plugin using HTML data attributes [demo].

Initialise all forms on a page:

Validation Default error message
alpha Value must be letters
alphanumeric Letters and numbers required
characters4 At least 4 characters please
dob Please give a valid date of birth
Email Invalid email
matches These values do not match
numeric Value must be numeric
postcode Invalid postcode
radio Please choose an option
required This information is required

To validate an element add a data-vldtr attribute with a comma separated list of validations as the value, eg:

<input type="text" data-vldtr="required,alpha,characters4">


Error messages can be customised by adding a data-vldtr-err-[name] attribute in the markup eg:

<input type="text" data-vldtr="required" data-vldtr-err-required="My unique error msg">

Or they can be customised with JS at initialisation:

$('form.myClass').valideater({ 	alpha:			'Letters only please', 	alphanumeric:	'You must use numbers and letters', 	dob:			'When were you born?' });

To suppress alert messages for an element add data-vldtr-alert="false" as an attribute (CSS classes will still be added):

<input type="text" data-vldtr="required" data-vldtr-alert="false"> 

If you'd like to turn error messages off for all elements, pass in:

alerts: false

Forms with errors are re-validated on each keystroke by default, prevent this with:

livecheck: false

The form will be re-validated on submit.


Various js-vldtr-error and js-vldtr-alert CSS classes are added to the markup for styling.

The names can be overriden with JS at initialisation:

$('form').valideater({ 	errorCssClass: 'js-myCustomErrorClass', 	alertCssClass: 'js-myCustomAlertClass' });



Can only contain alphabetic letters. No numbers, spaces or special characters.

Default error message: Value must be letters


Must contain at least one number and one letter. No spaces or special characters.

Default error message: Letters and numbers required


Must have a minimum of 4 characters. Can include letters, numbers, spaces and special characters.

Default error message: At least 4 characters please

dob (date of birth)

Requires date format: DD/MM/YYYY

The default minimum and maximum age requirements are 18 and 122 years old.

These can be overriden as attributes on the input: data-vldtr-minage="21" and data-vldtr-maxage="100". Or using JS at initialisation:

$('form').valideater({ 	minage: 16, 	maxage: 65 });

Default error message: Please give a valid date of birth


Must be a valid email address.

Default error message: Invalid email


Field value must match that of another.

Requires attribute data-vldtr-matches value to be ID of the element to match, eg:

<input type="email" placeholder="Email" id="toMatch" data-vldtr="email"> <input type="email" placeholder="Confirm email" data-vldtr="matches" data-vldtr-matches="toMatch">

The confirmation element should come after element to match. The confirmation element shouldn't need any other validation - the matcher should have those.

Default error message: These values do not match


Value must only have numbers. Can include spaces.

Default error message: Value must be numeric


Must be a UK postcode.

Default error message: Invalid postcode


The data-vldtr attribute must be on a wrapping parent element (eg: <fieldset>), so as not to interfere with other unrelated radio buttons in the form.

Default error message: Please choose an option


Value must not be empty.

Default error message: This information is required

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