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numberValidation is a simple, easy-to-use jQuery plugin that provides the real-time validation functionality for your numeric input fields.

Form-Validation number-validation


jQuery Number Validation Plugin

Number Validation Plugin is a plugin for jQuery that performs validation of an HTML input number type.

Getting Started

Downloading Number Validation Plugin

Number Validation Plugin can be downloaded here


Number Validation Plugin use:

  1. Bootstrap Tooltips download
  2. jQuery download

Including it on your page

Include Bootstrap, jQuery and the Number Validation Plugin on a page.

<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='bootstrap.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.numbervalidation.js'></script>

Number Validation Plugin functions

Name Parameters Return Description
masknumber Yes none Apply the plugin
validnumber Yes true or false Check if input is valid

Structure of parameters

  {     rules:{       type,       required,       maxvalue,       minvalue,       decimals,       length     },       messages:{       type,       required,       maxvalue,       minvalue,       decimals,       length     },     settingserror:{       setting,       tooltipplacement,       tooltiptrigger,       bordercolorok,       bordercolornotok     }   } 

Setting rules parameter

Name Value Default Description
type 'integer' or 'double' 'integer' Define a type of Html input
required true or false false Check if input has a value if required is true
maxvalue number undefined Check if input has a value greater than maxvalue
minvalue number undefined Check if input has a value less than minvalue
length number undefined Check if the number of characters that makes up the integer part of the input value is greater than length
decimals number undefined Check if the number of characters that makes up the decimal part of the input value is greater than decimals

Setting messages parameter

Name Value Default Description
type string " " Define a error message for the rule type
required string " " Define a error message for the rule required
maxvalue string " " Define a error message for the rule maxvalue
minvalue string " " Define a error message for the rule minvalue
length string " " Define a error message for the rule length
decimals number " " Define a error message for the rule decimals

Setting settingserror parameter

Name Value Default Description
setting true or false true If the property is set a false, the error message is not shown
tooltipplacement 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' or 'auto' 'bottom' How to position the tooltip. When 'auto' is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip. For example, if placement is "auto left", the tooltip will display to the left when possible, otherwise it will display right
tooltiptrigger 'click', 'hover', 'focus' or 'manual' 'hover' How tooltip is triggered. You may pass multiple triggers; separate them with a space
bordercolorok string Current color of the input Define a border-color property of the input when the validation return true
bordercolornotok string 'red' Define a border-color property of the input when the validation return false

Example double type

<input type="text" id="double" name="double">
$("#double").masknumber({     rules: {         type: 'double',         decimals: 2,         maxvalue: 100,         minvalue: 3     },     messages: {         type: "The value is not decimals",         decimals: "The max number of decimals is 2",         maxvalue: "The value is greater than 100",         minvalue: "The value is less than 3"     },     settingserror: {         tooltipplacement: "right"     } });

Example validation function

<input type="text" id="double" name="double">
$("#double").validnumber({     rules: {         type: 'double',         decimals: 2,         maxvalue: 100,         minvalue: 3     },     settingserror: {         setting: false     } });

This validnumber function return true or false if and only if the value of the input is valid for the rules setted. Since that the parameter setting is setted a false, the error message is not shown in the Html input.

Reporting an Issue

  1. Make sure the problem you're addressing is reproducible.
  2. Use http://jsbin.com or http://jsfiddle.net to provide a test page.
  3. Indicate what browsers the issue can be reproduced in. Note: IE Compatibilty modes issues will not be addressed.
  4. What version of the plug-in is the issue reproducible in. Is it reproducible after updating to the latest version.


Licensed under the MPL version 2.0 license.

Copyright (c) 2014 Alexander Perucci.

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