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A convenient form validation plugin that provides a convenient means to implement client-side validation on common HTML input fields.



jQuery Form Validation Plugin

An improved form validation plugin for jQuery.


  • Full unicode names and emails
  • Uses CSS classes and data tag attributes (as opposed to an ad hoc config file, like some other plugins)
  • Does 99% of what most people want for form validation while eliminating complex configuration
  • Tiny minified footprint
  • Should work with all versions of jQuery

This software is released under the following Creative Commons License:

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)


Please see demo/docs_and_demo.html for full documentation and demos.

Sample usage on an HTML form:

<form name="sample_form" action="#" method="post" id="sample_form">     <div>          <input type="text" name="your_name" id="your_name" placeholder="Enter your name."         class="validate letters-only allow-spaces check-length"         data-validation-length-min="3" data-validation-length-max="100">          <div id="your_name-message" class="error-message hidden">You must enter a name between 3 and 100 characters.</div>      </div>     <div>          <input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Enter your email."         class="validate check-email" data-error-message="You must enter a valid email address.">          <div id="email-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>      </div>     <div>          <input type="checkbox" name="my_checkbox" id="my_checkbox"         class="validate is-checked" data-error-message="This box must be checked.">           <div id="my_checkbox-message" class="error-message hidden"></div> Check this box.      </div>      <button type="submit" name="form_submit" id="form_submit">Submit</button> </form>  <script>$.validation.bindOnSubmit('sample_form', true);</script> 

Sample usage on a div container:

<div id="form_container">     <div>          <input type="text" name="your_email" id="your_email" placeholder="Enter your email."         class="validate check-email" data-error-message="You must enter a valid email address.">          <div id="your_email-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>          </div>     <div>      <input type="text" name="alt_email" id="alt_email" placeholder="OPTIONAL: Enter an alternate email address"         class="validate allow-empty check-email" data-error-message="You must enter a valid email address.">      <div id="alt_email-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>      </div>     <div>          <input type="password" name="your_password" id="your_password"         placeholder="Enter your password." class="validate check-length" data-validation-length-min="8"         data-error-message="You must enter a password that is at least 8 characters long.">          <div id="your_password-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>          </div>     <div>          <input type="password" name="your_password_match" id="your_password_match"         placeholder="Repeat your password." class="validate check-match" data-validation-match="your_password"         data-error-message="Passwords do not match">          <div id="your_password_match-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>      </div>     <div>          <select name="select_stuff" id="select_stuff" class="validate"         data-error-message="You must select something!">         <option value="">Select something</option>         <option value="stuff">Stuff</option>         <option value="things">Things</option>     </select>              <div id="select_stuff-message" class="error-message hidden"></div>          </div>     <div>     <button type="button" name="submit_form" id="submit_form">Submit</button>     </div> </div>  <script> // Will execute callback function when user presses return in an input field. $.validation.bindOnReturn('form_container', true, null, submitForm);  // Catch the submit button click and call submit function $.validation.bind('form_container', 'click', 'submit_form', true, submitForm);  function submitForm() {     // put your Ajax POST code here.          // make sure that the validation plugin ran and the form passed the tests     if ($.validation.passed) {         var email = $('#your_email').val();         var password = $('#your_password').val();         var stuff = $('#select_stuff').val();         alert('Form passed validation! Values: '+email+':'+password+':'+stuff);     } } </script> 

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