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React Native Progressive Input allows to autocomplete text input with clear button and activity indicator.

Form React Native


Progressive Input


Progressive Input is used as a part of autocomplete solution. The control has clear button to clear text and activity indicator to show that background job is being performed.

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-progressive-input --save

If you dont own the dependency react-native-vector-icons, please make sure you also run:

  • npm install react-native-vector-icons --save

  • react-native link

on the terminal. This will add some necessary fonts and Info.plist updates on your xcode project.


import ProgressiveInput from 'react-native-progressive-input';  class Screen extends Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);      this.state = {       value: '',       isLoading: false     };   }      _onChangeText(text) {     this.setState({isLoading: true, value: text});          fetch("YOUR_URL_FOR_GETTING_SUGGESTION")       .then((result) => {         // Process list of suggestions                  this.setState({isLoading: false});       });   }    render() {     <ProgressiveInput       value={this.state.value}       isLoading={this.state.isLoading}       onChangeText={this._onChangeText.bind(this)}     />   } }  export default Screen;


Name Type
autoCorrect PropTypes.bool
keyboardType TextInput.propTypes.keyboardType
multiline PropTypes.bool
placeholderTextColor PropTypes.string
returnKeyType TextInput.propTypes.returnKeyType
selectTextOnFocus PropTypes.bool
placeholder PropTypes.string
editable PropTypes.bool
autoCapitalize PropTypes.bool
maxLength PropTypes.number
multiline PropTypes.bool
onEndEditing PropTypes.func
onChange PropTypes.func
value PropTypes.string
isLoading PropTypes.bool
textInputStyle TextInput.propTypes.style
clearButtonIcon PropTypes.string
clearButtonColor PropTypes.string
clearButtonSize PropTypes.number
clearButtonStyle PropTypes.object
activityIndicatorStyle ActivityIndicator.propTypes.style
onBlur PropTypes.func
onChangeText PropTypes.func
onFocus PropTypes.func
onInputCleared PropTypes.func




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