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Mentions textbox for React Native that works on both iOS and Android.

Form React Native


react-native-mentions npm version

Mentions textbox for React Native. Works on both ios and android.


alt text alt text


yarn add react-native-mentions or npm install --save react-native-mentions


import MentionsTextInput from 'react-native-mentions';    <MentionsTextInput     textInputStyle={{ borderColor: '#ebebeb', borderWidth: 1, padding: 5, fontSize: 15 }}     suggestionsPanelStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(100,100,100,0.1)' }}     loadingComponent={() => <View style={{ flex: 1, width, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}><ActivityIndicator /></View>}     textInputMinHeight={30}     textInputMaxHeight={80}     trigger={'@'}     triggerLocation={'new-word-only'} // 'new-word-only', 'anywhere'     value={this.state.value}     onChangeText={(val) => { this.setState({ value: val }) }}     triggerCallback={this.callback.bind(this)}     renderSuggestionsRow={this.renderSuggestionsRow.bind(this)}     suggestionsData={this.state.data} // array of objects     keyExtractor={(item, index) => item.UserName}      suggestionRowHeight={45}                horizontal={false} // default is true, change the orientation of the list     MaxVisibleRowCount={3} // this is required if horizontal={false}   />


Check full example in the sampleApp folder.

Breaking changes ( 0.0.4 -> 1.1.1 )

  • This library now supports RN 0.47 and above due to this. If you're on a older version, use react-native-mentions 0.0.4. Check the example here

  • SuggestionsDataSource prop is renamed to suggestionsData. This now accepts a array of objects. DataSource, No more!

  • SuggestionsPanelHeight prop is renamed to suggestionRowHeight in order to support vertical lists.


MIT License. © Harshana Abeyaratne

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