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React Native Date and date range picker / calendar for iOS and Android.

Date_Time React Native


React Native Dates

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React Native Date and date range picker / calendar for iOS and Android


type DatesType = {   range: boolean,   date: ?moment,   startDate: ?moment,   endDate: ?moment,   focusedInput: 'startDate' | 'endDate',   onDatesChange: (date: { date?: ?moment, startDate?: ?moment, endDate?: ?moment }) => void,   isDateBlocked: (date: moment) => boolean }



In this example we disabled dates back in history and we shows selected dates bellow

/**  * Sample React Native App  * https://github.com/facebook/react-native  * @flow  */  import React, { Component } from 'react'; import {   AppRegistry,   StyleSheet,   Text,   View } from 'react-native'; import Dates from 'react-native-dates'; import moment from 'moment';  export default class ReactNativeDatesDemo extends Component {   state = {     date: null,     focus: 'startDate',     startDate: null,     endDate: null   }     render() {     const isDateBlocked = (date) =>       date.isBefore(moment(), 'day');      const onDatesChange = ({ startDate, endDate, focusedInput }) =>       this.setState({ ...this.state, focus: focusedInput }, () =>         this.setState({ ...this.state, startDate, endDate })       );      const onDateChange = ({ date }) =>       this.setState({ ...this.state, date });       return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <Dates           onDatesChange={onDatesChange}           isDateBlocked={isDateBlocked}           startDate={this.state.startDate}           endDate={this.state.endDate}           focusedInput={this.state.focus}           range         />          <Dates           date={this.state.date}           onDatesChange={onDateChange}           isDateBlocked={isDateBlocked}         />        {this.state.date && <Text style={styles.date}>{this.state.date && this.state.date.format('LL')}</Text>}       <Text style={[styles.date, this.state.focus === 'startDate' && styles.focused]}>{this.state.startDate && this.state.startDate.format('LL')}</Text>       <Text style={[styles.date, this.state.focus === 'endDate' && styles.focused]}>{this.state.endDate && this.state.endDate.format('LL')}</Text>       </View>     );   } }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     flexGrow: 1,     marginTop: 20   },   date: {     marginTop: 50   },   focused: {     color: 'blue'   } });  AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativeDatesDemo', () => ReactNativeDatesDemo);

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