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Easy react-native forms using bootstrap-like syntax with redux-form+immutablejs integration.

Form React Native



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Easy react-native forms using bootstrap-like syntax with redux-form+immutablejs integration. Styled using styled-components

Big kudos to Artyom Khamitov

The look of the form was inspired by this shot by Artyom Khamitov. Check out his profile on Dribbble.


Run npm install --save react-native-clean-form

The form uses react-native-vector-icons so it is important the fonts are linked by using react-native link or one of the other options available.


I have written an article on my blog about React Native and redux-form

For a complete example check out the example folder


import {   ActionsContainer,   Button,   FieldsContainer,   Fieldset,   Form,   FormGroup,   Input,   Label,   Switch } from 'react-native-clean-form'  const FormView = props => (   <Form>     <FieldsContainer>       <Fieldset label="Contact details">         <FormGroup>           <Label>First name</Label>           <Input placeholder="Esben" onChangeText={this.onFirstNameChange} />         </FormGroup>         <FormGroup>           <Label>Email</Label>           <Input placeholder="[email protected]" onChangeText={this.onEmailChange} />         </FormGroup>       </Fieldset>       <Fieldset label="Password" last>         <FormGroup>           <Label>Password</Label>           <Input placeholder="Enter a password" onChangeText={this.onPasswordChange} />         </FormGroup>         <FormGroup>           <Label>Repeat password</Label>           <Input placeholder="Repeat your password" onChangeText={this.onRepeatPasswordChange} />         </FormGroup>         <FormGroup border={false}>           <Label>Save my password</Label>           <Switch onValueChange={this.toggleSaveMyPassword} />         </FormGroup>            </Fieldset>     </FieldsContainer>     <ActionsContainer>       <Button icon="md-checkmark" iconPlacement="right" onPress={this.save}>Save</Button>     </ActionsContainer>   </Form> )

Usage with redux-form

import React from 'react' import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import {   ActionsContainer,   Button,   FieldsContainer,   Fieldset,   Form,   FormGroup,   Label, } from 'react-native-clean-form' import {   Input,   Switch } from 'react-native-clean-form/redux-form' import { View,Text } from 'react-native'  const onSubmit = (values, dispatch) => {   return new Promise((resolve) => {     setTimeout(() => {       console.log(values)       resolve()     }, 1500)   }) }  const FormView = props => {   const { handleSubmit, submitting } = this.props    return (     <Form>       <FieldsContainer>         <Fieldset label="Contact details">           <Input name="first_name" label="First name" placeholder="John" />           <Input name="email" label="Email" placeholder="[email protected]" />         </Fieldset>         <Fieldset label="Shipping details" last>           <Input name="password" label="Address" placeholder="Hejrevej 33" />           <Input name="password_repeat" label="City" placeholder="Copenhagen" />           <Switch label="Save my details" border={false} name="save_details" />         </Fieldset>       </FieldsContainer>       <ActionsContainer>         <Button icon="md-checkmark" iconPlacement="right" onPress={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} submitting={submitting}>Save</Button>       </ActionsContainer>     </Form>   ) }  export default reduxForm({   form: 'Form' })(FormView)

Usage with redux-form and Immutable.js

To make it work with Immutable.js import Input, Select, and Switch from react-native-clean-form/redux-form-immutable instead of react-native-clean-form/redux-form. Also, check out the included example


If integrating with redux-form validation is supported right out of the box. Just add a validation key to reduxForm your normally would.

If not using redux-form, there is an error prop on FormGroup which will display the error if used.

Async feedback

The Button component has a submitting prop. If true, a spinner will be displayed.

Run the example

Clone the repo first.

git clone https://github.com/esbenp/react-native-clean-form && cd react-native-clean-form 

Install dependencies.

cd example npm install 

Run the simulator.

react-native run-ios 

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