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A React Native component to create single or multi-select buttons just like select or radio button elements.

Form React Native


React Native SelectMultiple Button

This library is a button (or a grouped buttons) supporting multiple or radio selection by building with React Native. https://github.com/danceyoung/selectmultiplebuttons for Swift.

You can specify any Layout and Style for container view,button view and text through View Style Props, Layout Props and Text Style Props supporting by React Native

Example running in iOS and Android(captured by GIPHY CAPTURE)

captured by GIPHY CAPTURE

Note:Runing a Android Virtual Device is TMDing too large memory eated.


  • SelectMultipleButton

  • SelectMultipleGroupButton


You need to set the props selected as true to highlight button's selected status and manage the data selected through event props singleTap(valueTap) by hard coding yourself.


You needn't to set these settings like SelectMultipleButton, because these features are build in the SelectMultipleGroupButton. What you do is set the event props singleTap(valueTap) to hold the value tap and the event props onSelectedValuesChange(selectedValues) to hold the array of values selected.


cd your project root direction

$ npm install react-native-selectmultiple-button --save


code example


code snap

import {   SelectMultipleButton,   SelectMultipleGroupButton } from "react-native-selectmultiple-button";  <SelectMultipleButton   buttonViewStyle={{     borderRadius: 10,      height: 40   }}   textStyle={{     fontSize: 15   }}   highLightStyle={{     borderColor: "gray",      backgroundColor: "transparent",      textColor: "gray",      borderTintColor: ios_blue,      backgroundTintColor: ios_blue,      textTintColor: "white"   }}   multiple={true}   value={interest}   selected={this.state.multipleSelectedData.includes(interest)}   singleTap={valueTap => this._singleTapMultipleSelectedButtons(interest)} />;  <SelectMultipleGroupButton   containerViewStyle={{     justifyContent: "flex-start"   }}   highLightStyle={{     borderColor: "gray",      backgroundColor: "transparent",      textColor: "gray",      borderTintColor: ios_blue,      backgroundTintColor: "transparent",      textTintColor: ios_blue   }}   onSelectedValuesChange={selectedValues =>     this._groupButtonOnSelectedValuesChange(selectedValues)   }   group={multipleGroupData} />;



props type required desc
selected bool no Default is false. The selected prop determines whether the button is selected and highlighted
value one of types(string,number) yes Your business key
displayValue one of types(string,number) no Default is == value prop if not set displayValue prop. Displayed as button's text
singleTap function(valueTap) no Handler to be called when the user taps the button. The button's props value is passed as an argument to the callback handler


Normal or highlighted style, the style object {} contains the following keys.

  • borderColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired---Normal color of button border.

  • backgroundColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired---Normal color of button background.

  • textColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired---Normal color of text.

  • borderTintColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired---Highlighted color of button border.

  • backgroundTintColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired---Highlighted color of button background.

  • textTintColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired--Highlighted color of text.

Default style is


borderColor: 'gray',

backgroundColor: 'transparent',

textColor: 'gray',

borderTintColor: ios_blue,

backgroundTintColor: 'transparent',

textTintColor: ios_blue,



Style of button view. You can specify any View Style Props.

Default style is

{   margin: 5,   borderRadius: 3,   alignItems: 'center',   justifyContent: 'center',   borderWidth: 1 }


Style of text. You can specify any Text Style Props

Default style is

{   textAlign: 'center',   marginTop: 5,   marginBottom: 5,   marginLeft: 10,   marginRight: 10, }


props type required desc
multiple bool no Default is true. The multiple prop determines the grouped buttons are multiple or radio selected
defaultSelectedIndexes array no The indexes array in group of the grouped buttons to be default selected and highlighted
maximumNumberSelected number no Specifies maximum number for selecting buttons, and its smallest value is 2. Only enabled for multiple prop is set true
group array of {value,displayValue} yes Just a plain array, value and displayValue props are akin to value and displayValue props of SelectMultipleButton.
singleTap function(valueTap) no Handler to be called when the user taps the button. The button's props value is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
onSelectedValuesChange function(selectedValues) no Handler to be called when the user taps the button.the array of selected values is passed as an argument to the callback handler.


Normal or highlighted style, akin to highLightStyle of SelectMultipleButton.


Style of button view, akin to buttonViewStyle of SelectMultipleButton.


Style of text, akin to textStyle of SelectMultipleButton.


Style of the grouped buttons container view. You can specify any View Style Props and Layout Props.

Default View Style and Layout props is

{   flexWrap: 'wrap',   flexDirection: 'row',   justifyContent: 'center' }


react-native-selectmultiple-button is MIT Licensed.

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