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Validin is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to validate various types of form fields using regular expressions.




An simple and elegant form validator for jQuery



  1. First, make sure you link to a version of jQuery and validin JS in your HTML (validin CSS optional).

  2. Next, apply validin to a form in your scripts like so:


    Or to every form on a page:

  3. Lastly, add a validate attribute on the input or add required to tell validin to test that field.

     <input name="email" validate="email">   <input name="address" required> 


  • alpha - letters only

  • alpha_num - letters and numbers

  • alpha_space - letters and white space

  • alpha_dash - letters, hyphens, and underscores

  • alpha_num_dash - letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores

  • number - whole numbers only

  • decimal - any number, including decimals

  • name - letters, spaces, and common naming punctuation such as hyphens, periods, apostrophes, etc.

  • email

  • url

  • phone - including commong punctuation marks and formats

  • zip - including both 5 digit and 5+4 formats

  • creditcard - checks for basic credit card rules

  • regex - javascript style regular expression

      <input validate="regex:/[0-9a-z]{1,3}-\d/i"> 
  • min - number, no smaller than the value given

      <input validate="min:5"> 
  • max - number, no larger than the value given

      <input validate="max:5"> 
  • min_length - any text, no shorter in length than the value given

      <input validate="min_length:5"> 
  • max_length - any text, no longer in length than the value given)

      <input validate="max_length:5"> 
  • match - Requires that the value of this input matches the element given (any CSS selector will work)

      <input validate="match:.other_input"> 


  • feedback_delay - The number of milliseconds before showing a validation error (default: 1500)

  • invalid_input_class - The class name to apply to invalid inputs (default: 'invalid')

  • error_message_class - The class name to apply to the validation error message elements (default: "validation_error")

  • form_error_message - The message that appears at the bottom of a form if there are any errors present (default: "Please fix any errors in the form")

  • required_fields_initial_error_message - Initial message showing why form is disabled if there are required fields but no errors (default: "Please fill in all required fields")

  • required_field_error_message - Message shown next to required fields that are not filled in AFTER field has lost focus (default: "This field is required")

  • override_input_margins - Setting to true will automatically adjust margins on the validation error message elements to position message close to input (default: true)

  • custom_tests - A javascript object that follows this pattern. Any test on this object will be added to the list of included tests listed above. (default: {})

      'validation_test_name': {   	'regex': /.*/i,   	'error_message': "These values have to match"   } 
  • onValidateInput: A callback function that will be run every time a validation test is executed (default: function(validation_info) {})

    NOTE: validation_info contains an object with three values: input (the DOM element of the currently tested input), has_error (boolean), and error_message (string containing the error message of the current input, if any)

Adding custom settings might look something like this:

	$('form').validin({ 		feedback_delay: 1200, 		override_input_margins: false, 		tests: { 			'state_abbreviation': { 				'regex': /[a-z]{2}/i, 				'error_message': "State abbreviations are two letters long (eg. OR)" 			} 		}, 		onValidateInput: function(validation_info) { 			console.log(validation_info.input); 			console.log(validation_info.has_error); 			console.log(validation_info.error_message); 		} 	}); 

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