React component for Gmail or Facebook -like drag and drop file uploader. Drag files anywhere onto the window (or user defined "frame" prop)! Very extensible, provides many hooks so you can use it to develop any custom behavior that you desire.
V2 is out! See the changelog before upgrading
Demo/Example - A very simple demo with example code and sample CSS
By default, there are no styles! You must include some CSS if you want to see anything!
You can grab the demo CSS to get started
Browser support
Yup! (For typing event handlers, use the native DragEvent for frame handlers, and the React lib's DragEvent for others)
I wanted that behavior like facebook, gmail, etc. have where a part of the page highlights immediately when you start dragging a file anywhere on the window. I couldn't find any React component that already did this, so, I made one.
npm install react-file-drop
import FileDrop from 'react-file-drop
How it works
First, you define the frame
prop (default is the document
), whenever the user begins dragging file(s) anywhere over this frame, the <div class="file-drop-target">
will be inserted into the DOM.
Next, define an onDrop
prop, whenever a user drops their files onto the target, this callback will be triggered.
Lastly, you'll need to style it. Check out the Styling section below for details.
onDrop - function(files, event)
Callback when the user drops files onto the target
onDragOver - function(event)
Callback when the user is dragging over the target. Also adds the file-drop-dragging-over-target
class to the file-drop-target
onDragLeave - function(event)
Callback when the user leaves the target. Removes the file-drop-dragging-over-target
class from the file-drop-target
dropEffect - String "copy" || "move" || "link" || "none" (default: "copy")
Learn more about HTML5 dropEffects. Not available in IE :(
frame - document || HTMLElement (default: document)
This is the "scope" or frame that the user must drag some file(s) over to kick things off.
onFrameDragEnter - function(event)
Callback when the user begins dragging over the frame
onFrameDragLeave - function(event)
Callback when the user stops dragging over the frame
onFrameDrop - function(event)
Callback when the user drops files anywhere over the frame
className - string (default: file-drop)
Class given to the outer container div.
targetClassName - string (default: file-drop-target)
Class given to the target div.
draggingOverFrameClassName - string (default: file-drop-dragging-over-frame)
Class given to the target div when file is being dragged over frame.
draggingOverTargetClassName - string (default: file-drop-dragging-over-target)
Class given to the target div when file is being dragged over target.
By default, the component comes with no styles. You can grab the demo CSS to get you started.
The outer container element
.file-drop > .file-drop-target
This is the target the user has to drag their files to. It will be inserted into the DOM whenever the user starts dragging over the frame.
.file-drop > .file-drop-target.file-drop-dragging-over-frame
The file-drop-dragging-over-frame
class will be added to the file-drop-target
whenever the user begins dragging a file over the frame
, and it will be removed when they leave
.file-drop > .file-drop-target.file-drop-dragging-over-target
The file-drop-dragging-over-target
class will be added to the file-drop-target
whenever the user begins dragging a file over the file-drop-target
div, and it will be removed when they leave
For custom class names you can use the following props:
- className
- targetClassName
- draggingOverFrameClassName
- draggingOverTargetClassName
Your PRs are welcome! To run the app locally:
Run docker-compose up
- this will launch a node docker container, and execute npm run start:dev
, which will launch the demo app at http://localhost:3003
(you can change the port number inside docker-compose.yml
Once the docker container is running and started...
If you made changes to the Demo app, run docker-compose exec frontend npm run build:demo
before you push (this will output new files in dist/Demo
If you made changes to the main FileDrop, run docker-compose exec frontend npm run build:filedrop
before you push (this will output new files in dist/FileDrop
Note: This repo uses tslint
, you can run docker-compose exec frontend npm run lint:watch
(or configure your IDE to read the tslint.json
If you're not into docker, you can also just execute PORT=3003 npm run start:dev
(you can use whatever port number is your favorite, but webpack.config.js
expects process.env.PORT
to be defined) and leave off the docker-compose exec frontend
prefix from the rest of the commands