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71 JQuery Clock Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Clock Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 71 JQuery Clock Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Clock Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Clock Plugins.

jClocksGMT is a jQuery analog and digital clock(s) plugin based on GMT offsets. Now supporting automatic daylight saving time conversions for affected timezones. Requires jQuery Rotate plugin.Features:Analog ClockDigital ClockDate.....

A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap a jquery plugin.Both desktop and mobile device are supported. It also works great in touch screen device.All major browsers are supported, including IE 9+. It should look and behave well enou.....
Bootstrap Plugins

So why use this library when there are many others with the same name? Well, this library was created because the other solutions weren’t abstract enough to provide a deep level of customization without rewriting the code. (Besi.....
Core Java Script

It all started last week when I saw this pretty dribbble shot. I immediately felt the urge to convert it into a working clock and share it with Tutorialzine’s readers. If you’d like to learn how I made it, read on!To make th.....
CSS Plugins

Rotate all kinds of elements clock- or counterclockwise with jQuery Aperture. .....
Plugins Slider

CoolClock is a customisable javascript analog clock.Though this plugin uses SVG to draw analog clocks but uses Jquery to draw them. Comes with a lot of skins to choose from. Also supports digital clock. .....
Animation Plugins SVG Tutorial

In this tutorial we will use JQuery and a plugin named jQueryRotate.The main idea behind making this watch is to rotate the three images according to the actual time tt/mm/ss. We split that time up in hours, minutes and seco.....
Animation CSS Plugins

jDigiClock is a jQuery plugin that has been inspired from the distinctive HTC Hero Clock Widget. For such a complex looking plugin it is surprisingly easy to install and offers a multitude of options that control the appearance.....
CSS Gallery Web

Just messing around with some clock ideas *THE CLOCKS ARE ABOUT ONE SECOND SLOW :( .....

Countdown created as a module with length and format as arguments. .....

Since the promised new API is being letting itself waiting, this is a solution to style the flipper. https://github.com/objectivehtml/FlipClock/ .....

Clock, Timer, Countdown Works down to IE7 (despite missing colon-separators) -- Attention -- Code is in a bad shape and desperately crying for a refactoring - which will happen soonish. .....

Millisecond countdown clock. .....

A countdown clock built with vanilla javascript, less, and css animations. With help from https://www.sitepoint.com/build-javascript-countdown-timer-no-dependencies/ .....

This is a clock that counts down 10 minutes from when the user arrives at the page. .....

60 second countdown clock created using canvas. Clock can be paused and continued at will, with the ring of the clock face changing colour from green to orange to red as the time runs out. .....

This is a 10-minute JavaScript countdown clock with pause and resume buttons. .....

A quick countdown clock example using flipclock.js (http://flipclockjs.com/) .....

A countdown clock that is powered only by CSS. The countdown length is 1 hour and it shows minutes, seconds and the hundredths of seconds as they tick. .....

flipclock is a flip clock jQuery plugin with CSS3 animations. Also, you can use it as a Zepto plugin. .....

jQuery jsRapClock is a simple, lightweight jQuery clock plugin which makes it easy to render a responsive Analog Clock on the web application using CSS3 2D transforms......

A lightweight, Bootstrap-compatible jQuery countdown plugin that counts the days/hours/minutes/seconds to a specific DateTime in any time zone......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 countdown

digitScroller.js is a small jQuery plugin that makes uses of CSS transitions and transforms to perform a retro roll/flip animation between numbers......
text-animation flip-clock

A minimal jQuery countdown clock plugin which allows you to count down to a target date time with the support of custom UTC Timezone offset......
countdown timer

clockSchedulerJS is a jQuery scheduler plugin which can be used to visualize scheduled tasks on an analog clock interface......

The Codehim Clock jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive, customizable, realistic Analog Clock with 3 size variables and optional second/date/day display......

A fancy jQuery timepicker plugin which lets you create an interactive, Android inspired, Analog Clock-style time picker for your input field......

MDTimePicker is a Material Design inspired jQuery time picker plugin that makes it easy to select a time from a circular clock interface......
Time-Picker Material-Design

A simple yet useful World Time Clock & Map app built with jQuery library, jquery.jclock.js plugin, Bootstrap framework and SVG world map......
world-map timezone

thooClock is a jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, highly configurable and styleable Analog Clock with alarm functionality using html5 canvas 2D API......
Analog-clock alarm-clock

A dead simple jQuery plugin which helps you render a minimalist analog clock on the webapp using CSS3 2D transform properties (translate and rotate). Fully customizable via CSS......

clockInput is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts the normal input field into a fancy clock-style time picker for easier time selection......

A jQuery/CSS/CSS3 flexbox based responsive binary clock to display the current local time in a fashion way......

The pomodoro-clock.js jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive Pomodoro Timer using the Pomodoro time management technique (25 minutes work and 5 minutes break intervals)......
timer Pomodoro-clock

LED.js is a jQuery plugin used to create vector SVG based, LED display style countdown, timer and clock components on your web application......
countdown timer LED-display

A jQuery plugin for creating an easy-to-style digital clock to count down from a specific date on your coming soon/under construction pages and event landing pages......
countdown timer

wordclock.js is a really small jQuery plugin which helps you render a Word (Typographic) clock on the webpage using plain HTML, CSS and a little bit JavaScript......

countdown-js is a simple and CSS-less jQuery plugin for creating 7-Segment Display-style digital countdown timers with custom styles and callback functions......

bandClock is a jQuery plugin for generating a canvas based circular band clock that dynamically updates to display the local time......

Yet another jQuery plugin for creating a pretty cool, scoreboard style flipping clock to countdown to or from a given date & time......
countdown timer flip-clock

Clock.js is a really small jQuery plugin which lets you render HTML5 analog and digital clocks with 3 built-in themes on the webpage......
Analog-clock Digital-Clock

Just another circular countdown timer jQuery plugin which creates an animated countdown clock to present the remaining time......

Timedropper is a fancy jQuery & jQuery UI time picker plugin which allows the user to select a time from a clock interface with a 360° drop-style slider handle......
jQuery-UI Time-Picker

A simple, jQuery based timer web application with alarm sound effects that follow the familiar Pomodoro time management technique......
timer Pomodoro-clock

A simple yet multi-functional online Pomodoro (Tomato) technique timer with sound effects built using jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap framework......
timer Pomodoro-clock

A minimal jQuery based text clock that provides an unique way of displaying the current time on your webpage......

A beautiful jQuery/CSS hex clock that dynamically changes the background color of the webpage based on the current local time (6 digit hexadecimal number)......

A simple jQuery timer app using the Pomodoro Techniqueâ„¢ which allows the visitor to start a 25 minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed......
timer Pomodoro-clock

Countdown is a cool and simple jQuery plugin for creating a mechanical scoreboard style countdown timer to display the remaining time in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

Countdown Clock is a small plain jQuery countdown timer plugin which counts down in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds to a given date......
countdown timer

A lightweight jQuery extension that uses CSS3 transforms to create a beautiful retro-looking flip clock displaying the current local time......

Counter is a jQuery counter plugin which allows you to create a countdown & count-up timer with CSS3 powered number flipping effects......
countdown timer counter count-up flip-clock

flipTimer is a jQuery plugin which enables you to count down towards or count up from a certain time like a vintage flip clock......
countdown timer count-up flip-clock

A fancy time picker plugin which enable you to select a time by dragging the hour and minute hands on a clock interface......
jQuery-UI Time-Picker

ClassyLED is a plugin for jQuery and Raphaël JS library that allows you display a countdown timer, a clock, or a random number in a vector shaped LED display......
countdown LED-display

A jQuery time picker plugin which allows the visitor to select the time from an analog clock via mouse drag or touch swipe......

revolver.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a countdown clock that allows you to count down to a certain date......

World Clock is a jQuery plugin to create an Apple iOS like clock web app that includes support for world clock, timer and stopwatch......
timer stopwatch

KitKatClock is a jQuery, Html5 and CSS3 powered time picker which allows you to pick a time from an Android 4.4 Kit Kat clock interface based on Html5 canvas element......
Time-Picker Canvas

A jQuery & CSS3 transition based responsive clock to display your local time with clock numbers and animated time bars......
Responsive transitions

A simple, nice-looking pantone clock built on top of jQuery and CSS3 transforms. Great for adding a clock widget to your website or mobile App......

flipcountdown is a lightweight and fast jQuery flip clock plugin used to create an animated & vintage-style clock, countdown, or timer on your website......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

FlipClock is a jQuery plugin for creating a clock & countdown timer that displays information in a digital format on a split flap display......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a LED binary clock on the webpage to display the current time in a binary format......
Binary-Clock LED-display

Pomodoro is a jQuery timer plugin designed for personal time management app based on Pomodoro Technique and jQuery Mobile......
timer Pomodoro-clock jQuery-Mobile

An easy and fast jQuery plugin used to create a graphical clock using Html5 canvas elements......
Canvas clock