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Ti-grid is a simple yet powerful data grid for Angular 6+, with support for pagination, data sorting, data filtering and more.

Plugins Table


Ti-Grid for Angular 2+

Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng-plus-grid?file=src%2Fapp%2Fgetting-started%2Fgetting-started.component.ts

Grids like they should be (simple & powerful):


  npm install @ng-plus/grid 


In your app.module, (import)
import { TiGridModule } from '@ng-plus/grid' ;  imports: [   TiGridModule ]
In your component: (Configure)
// url to get data from (optionally, you can pass any[] as rows: url = 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/ly7d1';  // title and field are only required: columns =  [   { title: 'Make', field: 'make'},   { title: 'Model', field: 'model'},   { title: 'Price', field: 'price', align: 'right' } ];  
In the template:
 <ti-grid     [columns]="columns"     [url]="url">   </ti-grid> 

Advanced Usage:

// url to get data from (optionally, you can pass any[] as rows: url = 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/15psn9';  // title and field are only required: // sort: asc | desc // on individual cell clicked event: onclick(value, row, column) => void  // template lets you pass the value and return something else columns =  [   { title: 'Make', field: 'make', sort: 'asc', onClick: (v) => alert(v + ' clicked') },   { title: 'Model', field: 'model', filterBy: 'has', filter: 'e' },   { title: 'Price', field: 'price', align: 'right' },   { title: 'Discounted 25%', field: 'price', align: 'right', template: (v) => 0.75 * v } ];  // on row selected/context menu: rowActions = [{   title: 'Delete',   classes: 'text-danger',   icon: 'fal fa-trash',   onClick: (row) => {     row.isDeleted = true;   } }];  

On template:

 <ti-grid     [rowActions]="rowActions"     [columns]="columns"     [pageSize]="20"     [currentPage]="1"      [url]="url">   </ti-grid>

Server Side Pagination

If you need to fetch records page-by-page:

  • First [customPaging] to true and set the [totalCount] properties.
  • Then, implement (gridStateChanged) method.

On your component.ts:

    rows: Observable<any[]>;     totalRows: Observable<number>;     refreshGrid(page: number): void {         // Use the page to fetch rows for that page     } 

On your componten.html:

  <ti-grid             ... other properties             [customPaging]="true"             [rows]="rows | async"             [totalCount]="totalRows | async"             (gridStateChanged)="refreshGrid($event)"></ti-grid> 

Note that you may also get rid of | async pipe if you set the rows and totalRows as non-observables.

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