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RG-Slider is simple lightweight range slider AngularJS directive which allows you to select a value range with custom step and navigator. You can easily manipulate with style by adding your own classes.




AngularJS simple range slider directive WITHOUT jQuery dependency



Install via bower

bower install rg-slider --save

Embed files to your html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/rg-slider/dist/rg-slider.min.css">  <script src="bower_components/rg-slider/dist/rg-slider.min.js"></script> 


Download repo and copy files from dist folder

Simple Usage

// add 'rangeSlider' as dependency to your module var yourModule = angular.module("yourModule", ['rangeSlider']);

And add the rg-slider directive in to your html , and assign the bound value

<script> angular.controller('YourController', function($scope){     $scope.sliderValue = null;      }); </script>
 <rg-slider bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider>


boundVar (string) - The model property whom will be bound slider existing value of each change

trackerClass (string) - Applying calsss to the tracker button


<rg-slider tracker-class="my-trackker-calss"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 

trackBarClass (string) - Applying calsss to the slider background div's


<rg-slider track-bar-class="my-trackbar-calss"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 

navigatorClass (string) - Applying calsss to the slider navigatior list and you can easly change them


<rg-slider navigator-class="my-trackbar-calss"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 

showNavigator (boolean) - Defines show/hide navigator from slider, by defult it false


<rg-slider show-navigator="true"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 

step (number) - Defines how many steps will have your slider. Try to provide such number which steps can be fill on your view


Your provided step will bound as a value to your boundVar, its mean when you providing 5 step slider, each step value which assigned to boundVar will be from 1 -5. If you didnt provided the value it will be from 0-99


<rg-slider show-navigator="true" step="10"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 

navigatorFrom (number) ; navigatorTo(number) - Defines how many steps will have your slider but with exact range


Your provided step will bound as a value to your boundVar, its mean when you providing navigator-from="6" to navigator-to="13" in this case value will start from 6 and will go to 13


<rg-slider navigator-from="6" navigator-to="13"  bound-var="sliderValue"></rg-slider> 


Don't use step and navigatorFrom navigatorTo" together it will throw an Error

Because when you providing navigatorFrom and navigatorTo the step will be calculated automatically.

For Development

  • Clone project

  • npm install

  • bower install

  • grunt serve

  • And do your best :)


  • Write e2e tests
  • add suport with 2 trackers
  • Accept non numerical navigation, e.g navigate-from= "A" navigate-to"Z"

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