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Gridly.js is a simple jQuery plugin used to create a matrix style grid layout that can be customized via data-* attributes in the div elements.

grid-layout grid matrix



A simple jQuery plugin for arranging div elements into a grid.

Create a simple grid layout that is either

  • fixed width (generally 1920x1080 for use on a HDTV layout)
  • relative (scales in size, best suited for desktop)

demo pages


  1. Include gridly.js in your page. Ensure you have jquery loaded before as well.

  2. Create a html structure like:

<div class='gridly' id='mygrid' data-rows='4' data-cols='6' data-width='1920' data-height='1080' data-orientation='horizontal'>   <!-- cell in row 1, col 1, width of 1x and height of 1x -->   <div class='cell' data-col='1' data-row='1' data-width='1' data-height='1'>    your content   </div>    <!-- cell in row 1, cols 2-3, width of 2x and heigh of 1 -->   <div class='cell' data-col='2' data-row='1' data-width='2' data-height='1'>    your content   </div>    <!-- a 2x2 cell in row 1, col 4 -->   <div class='cell' data-col='4' data-row='1' data-width='2' data-height='2'>    your content   </div>    ...   ... </div> 
  1. Initialize your grid with:


option default notes
width 1920 Width of grid in px
height 1080 Height of grid in px
orientation horizontal 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
rows 4 number of rows in the grid
cols 6 number of columns in the grid
fixed true true|false - if true, the grid is a fixed size in px. If false, the grid will fix in the browser window and will resize as the window resizes, but keeping it's original ratio.
gutter 0 Gutter width between cells. If 0, no gutter. Otherwise gutter values > 0 will create a Xpx width around each cell. The outside border will be the 2xgutter value (ie: there will be each gutter around each cell).

For example, if you specify gutter=2, then there is going to be a 4px border around the entire dashboard, and a 4px between each cell.

You can specify the options in either a hash when you initialize the grid

$('#mygrid').gridly({width:1920, rows:4, cols:6}) 

or you can specify data- attributes in the div element of the grid.

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