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tileWall is a lightweight & easy-to-use jQuery layout plugin for positioning differently sized tiles in a responsive, fully configurable, mosaic-style grid.



jQuery tileWall

A jQuery Plugin for the dynamically positioning of tiles in a responsive grid.


  1. Include jQuery:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
  1. Include plugin's code:
<script src="dist/jquery.tilewall.min.js"></script> 
  1. Call the plugin:

Sample HTML

<div id="tilewall"> 	<div class="tile" data-width="1" data-height="1" data-priority="1">Cute cats</div> 	<div class="tile" data-width="3" data-height="2" data-priority="1">Beer</div> 	<div class="tile" data-width="2" data-height="4" data-priority="1">Everything else</div> </div> 

Navigation tiles

Use attribute and value data-nav="1" to define a navigation tile. The algorithm will automatically try to place navigation tiles in higher positions of the grid to be easily seen by users.

<div class="tile" data-width="1" data-height="1" data-nav="1">Contact form</div> 

Fix positioned tiles

Use attributes data-position-x and data-position-y to define a static tile in the grid. If the attribute values are out of grid size (e.g. on small viewports), they are disregarded.

<div class="tile" data-width="1" data-height="1" data-priority="1" data-position-x="2" data-position-y="3">Content</div> 


  • debounceTime: int minimum milliseconds between two resize events to refresh the tile wall (default: 100)
  • debug: [1|0] enable/disable debug logging in the console (default: 0)
  • hideNavTilesOnViewportWidthSmallerThan: int(px) if > 0, hide navigation tiles on viewports less wide than the given pixels (default: 0)
  • maxNumCols: int the maximum number of columns in the grid (default: 12)
  • minNumCols: int the minimum number of columns in the grid (default: 3)
  • minTileWidth: int(px) the minimum width of a tile (default: 130)
  • shrinkTilesOnViewportWidthSmallerThan: int(px) if > 0, shrink all tiles to 1x1 size on viewports less wide than the given pixels (default: 0)
  • tileClassName: string: class name of dom elements that shall be used as tiles (default: "tile")
  • tileMargin: int(px) horizontal and vertical css margin of tiles (default: 2)
  • transition: [1|0] enable/disable css transitions on tiles (default: 0)




The development of this tiny plugin is a collaborative project of 3undzwanzig – Agentur für Werbung und Kommunikation, Jens Wittmann and Martin Wilmer.


  • lots of refactoring
  • validating passed options
  • awesome css transitions
  • option to fill gaps by repeating (small) tiles
  • bug: The tileWall wrapper has no initial height. The scrollbar width cannot be regarded in the first run. Current hack: calling reformatTiles() twice on the first run.
  • document priority attribute

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