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Toasted Notes is a super simple but flexible implementation of toast style notifications for React, initially based on the excellent implementation found in Evergreen.

Notification React



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A simple but flexible implementation of toast style notifications for React extracted from Sancho UI.

View the demo and documentation.


  • An imperative API. This means that you don't need to set component state or render elements to trigger notifications. Instead, just call a function.
  • Render whatever you want. Utilize the render callback to create entirely custom notifications.
  • Functional default styles. Import the provided css for some nice styling defaults or write your own styles.


yarn add toasted-notes 


import toaster from 'toasted-notes'; import 'toasted-notes/src/styles.css'; // optional styles  const HelloWorld = () => (   <button onClick={() => {     toaster.notify('Hello world', {       duration: 2000     })   }}>     Say hello   </button> )


The notify function accepts either a string, a react node, or a render callback.

// using a string toaster.notify('With a simple string')  // using jsx toaster.notify(<div>Hi there</div>)  // using a render callback toaster.notify(({ onClose }) => (   <div>     <span>My custom toaster</span>     <button onClick={onClose}>Close me please</button>   </div> ))

It also accepts options.

toaster.notify('Hello world', {   position: 'bottom-left', // top-left, top, top-right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right   duration: null // This notification will not automatically close })

Using Context

One downside to the current API is that render callbacks and custom nodes won't get access to any application context, such as theming variables provided by styled-components. To ensure that render callbacks have access to the necessary context, you'll need to supply that context to the callback.

const CustomNotification = ({ title }) => {   const theme = useTheme()   return <div style={{ color: theme.primary }}>{title}</div> }  const CustomNotificationWithTheme = withTheme(CustomNotification)  toaster.notify(() => <CustomNotificationWithTheme title="I am pretty" />)




Prior art

Way back, this was originally based on the wonderful implementation of notifications in evergreen.

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