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⚠️ The previous package re-notif has been deprecated on NPM and renamed to redux-notifications. A list of changes can be found in the Changelog. Please update your applications accordingly.

React & Redux based notifications center.

Thanks to Redux, the notification objects are maintained within Redux Store's State and are fired by Actions.


1. Installation

npm install --save redux-notifications

2. The next thing you need to do is to add the redux-notifications reducer to Redux.
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux' import { reducer as notifReducer } from 'redux-notifications'; combineReducers({   notifs: notifReducer,   // ... more reducers here ... })
3. Add the Notifs component at the root of your app
import { Provider }  from 'react-redux' import { Notifs } from 'redux-notifications';  <Provider store={store}>   <div>     // ... other things like router ...     <Notifs />   </div> </Provider>
4. Optionally import default CSS

redux-notifications uses react-css-transition-group with the following classes:

  • .notif-transition-enter
  • .notif-transition-enter-active
  • .notif-transition-leave
  • .notif-transition-leave-active

To import the default stylesheet:

import 'redux-notifications/lib/styles.css';

Sending notifications

Thanks to Redux, sending notification is simply done by firing an Action:

import { reducer as notifReducer, actions as notifActions, Notifs } from 'redux-notifications'; const { notifSend } = notifActions;  class Demo extends React.Component {   send() {     this.props.dispatch(notifSend({       message: 'hello world',       kind: 'info',       dismissAfter: 2000     }));   }    render() {     <button onClick={this.send}>Send Notification</button>   } }



config.message : node [required]

The notification message, can be one of: string, integer, element or array containing these types.

config.kind : string [optional] [default:'info']

The notification kind, can be one of: info, success, warning, danger.

config.id : string [optional] [default:Date.now()]

Set an ID for the notification. If not set, defaults to Date.now().

config.dismissAfter : integer [optional] [default:null]

Auto dismiss the notification after the given number of milliseconds.


Clear all current notifications.


Dismiss a notification by ID

Notifs Component

<Notifs CustomComponent={ReactComponent}/>

CustomComponent : React component

A custom react component can be used instead of the default Notif component

className : string [optional] [default:null]

Pass a custom classname to the component.

componentClassName : string [optional] [default:'notif']

The base className for each Notif component. Can be used to override CSS styles.

transitionEnterTimeout : integer [optional] [default:600]

Define the react-transition-group enter timeout is milliseconds.

transitionLeaveTimeout : integer [optional] [default:600]

Define the react-transition-group leave timeout is milliseconds.

actionLabel : string

Label for action click

onActionClick : func

Function when action is clicked. Requires actionLabel prop


git clone https://github.com/indexiatech/re-notif.git cd re-notif npm install npm run start 

Listening on localhost:9000

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