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AngularJS directive for choosing a colour of your choice from Colour Picker.



Angular Color Picker

Vanilla AngularJS Color Picker Directive with no requirement on jQuery

Build Status Code Climate





bower install angularjs-color-picker --save


npm install angularjs-color-picker --save


  • Include files

    • Bower
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/angular-color-picker/dist/angularjs-color-picker.min.css" /> <!-- only include if you use bootstrap --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/angular-color-picker/dist/themes/angularjs-color-picker-bootstrap.min.css" />  <script src="bower_components/tinycolor/dist/tinycolor-min.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/angular-color-picker/dist/angularjs-color-picker.min.js"></script>
    • Node
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/angularjs-color-picker/dist/angularjs-color-picker.min.css" /> <!-- only include if you use bootstrap --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/angularjs-color-picker/dist/themes/angularjs-color-picker-bootstrap.min.css" />  <script src="node_modules/tinycolor2/dist/tinycolor-min.js"></script> <script src="node_modules/angularjs-color-picker/dist/angularjs-color-picker.min.js"></script>
  • Add the module to your app

angular.module('app', ['color.picker']);
  • Include in your view
<color-picker ng-model="myColor"></color-picker>


HTML - Only ng-model is required. If supplying an api it must be a unique object per color picker. However the event api can be shared among color pickers.

<color-picker     ng-model="color"     options="options"     api="api"     event-api="eventApi" ></color-picker>


$scope.color = '#FF0000';  // options - if a list is given then choose one of the items. The first item in the list will be the default $scope.options = {     // html attributes     required: [false, true],     disabled: [false, true],     placeholder: '',     inputClass: '',     id: undefined,     name: undefined,     // validation     restrictToFormat: [false, true],     preserveInputFormat: [false, true],     allowEmpty: [false, true],     // color     format: ['hsl', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'hex', 'hexString', 'hex8', 'hex8String', 'raw'],     case: ['upper', 'lower'],     // sliders     hue: [true, false],     saturation: [false, true],     lightness: [false, true], // Note: In the square mode this is HSV and in round mode this is HSL     alpha: [true, false],     dynamicHue: [true, false],     dynamicSaturation: [true, false],     dynamicLightness: [true, false],     dynamicAlpha: [true, false],     // swatch     swatch: [true, false],     swatchPos: ['left', 'right'],     swatchBootstrap: [true, false],     swatchOnly: [true, false],     // popup     round: [false, true],     pos: ['bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top left', 'top right'],     inline: [false, true],     horizontal: [false, true],     // show/hide     show: {         swatch: [true, false],         focus: [true, false],     },     hide: {         blur: [true, false],         escape: [true, false],         click: [true, false],     },     // buttons     close: {         show: [false, true],         label: 'Close',         class: '',     },     clear: {         show: [false, true],         label: 'Clear',         class: '',     },     reset: {         show: [false, true],         label: 'Reset',         class: '',     }, };  // exposed api functions $scope.api.open();       // opens the popup $scope.api.close();      // closes the popup $scope.api.clear();      // removes value $scope.api.reset();      // resets color value to original value $scope.api.getElement(); // returns the wrapping <color-picker> element $scope.api.getScope();   // returns the color picker $scope  // api event handlers $scope.eventApi = {     onChange:  function(api, color, $event) {},     onBlur:    function(api, color, $event) {},     onOpen:    function(api, color, $event) {},     onClose:   function(api, color, $event) {},     onClear:   function(api, color, $event) {},     onReset:   function(api, color, $event) {},     onDestroy: function(api, color) {}, };  // decorator - all variables in options can be globally overridden here angular     .module('app', ['color.picker'])     .config(function($provide) {         $provide.decorator('ColorPickerOptions', function($delegate) {             var options = angular.copy($delegate);             options.round = true;             options.alpha = false;             options.format = 'hex';             return options;         });     });


  • angularjs (v1.3 and higher)
  • tinycolor.js (18.8 KB minified)

NO requirement for jQuery!


Inspiration and code taken from projects like

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