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NgxLoremIpsum is a angular2 lorem ipsum generator.



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Angular2 lorem ipsum generator




npm install ngx-lorem-ipsum --save

Service Methods

  • get(count: number, paragraphsCount: number = 0): string - gets sentences and paragraphs count and returns text
  • getRandom(min: number, max: number, paragraphsCount: number = 0): string - gets min/max for sentences count and paragraphs count and returns text

(if paragraphsCount is 0 returns plain text, if paragraphsCount is N returns html with N paragraphs <p>)

Service Usage

// app.module.ts import { NgxLoremIpsumModule } from 'ngx-lorem-ipsum'; ... @NgModule({     imports: [         ...         NgxLoremIpsumModule         ...     ],     ... }) export class AppModule { }
// app.component.ts import { NgxLoremIpsumService } from 'ngx-lorem-ipsum'; ...  @Component({     templateUrl: './app.component.html',     styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], }) export class AppComponent {          text: string;     randomText: string;      constructor(private service: NgxLoremIpsumService) {         this.text = this.service.get(10, 2);         this.randomText = this.service.getRandom(10, 20, 5);     } } 
// app.component.html <div [innerHTML]="text"></div> <div [innerHTML]="randomText"></div>

Component Options

  • count | Type: number - sentences count (ignored when min and max defined)
  • min | Type: number - min sentences count
  • max | Type: number - max sentences count
  • paragraphsCount | Type: number | Default value: 0 - paragraphs count (if 0 returns plain text, if N returns html with N paragraphs <p>)

Component Usage

// app.module.ts import { NgxLoremIpsumModule } from 'ngx-lorem-ipsum'; ... @NgModule({     imports: [         ...         NgxLoremIpsumModule         ...     ],     ... }) export class AppModule { }
// app.component.html <ngx-lorem-ipsum [count]="10"></ngx-lorem-ipsum> <ngx-lorem-ipsum [count]="10" [paragraphsCount]="2"></ngx-lorem-ipsum> <ngx-lorem-ipsum [min]="10" [max]="20" [paragraphsCount]="5"></ngx-lorem-ipsum>

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