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An Angular service to get simple methods to manipulate url parts.



Angular URL parser

Angular service to get simple methods to manipulate url parts

Demo: http://yllieth.github.io/angular-url-parser/app/index.html

Rails gem: https://github.com/yllieth/angular_url_parser_rails



bower install yllieth/angular-url-parser --save 

Once the lib is downloaded, add a reference in your index.html

<script type="application/javascript" src="../bower_components/angular-url-parser/angular-url-parser.js"></script> 


In your Gemfile, add the following line:

gem 'angular_url_parser_rails'

In your application.js, add the following line:

//= require angular-url-parser 


angular   .module('YOUR-ANGULAR-APP-NAME', [     'ngUrlParser'   ])   .controller('demoCtrl', function(urlParser) {     this.parts           = urlParser.parse();     this.protocol        = urlParser.getProtocol();     this.host            = urlParser.getHost();     this.hostname        = urlParser.getHostname();     this.port            = urlParser.getPort();     this.route           = urlParser.getRoute();     this.routeAttributes = urlParser.getRouteAttributes();     this.queryString     = urlParser.getQuerystring();     this.option          = urlParser.getOption();     this.hash            = urlParser.getHash();   })
  • getProtocol([string] url): string : Return the protocol of the given url - Example: "http:", "https:", ...
  • getHost([string] url): string : Return the host of the given url (without port) - Example: "github.com", "localhost", ...
  • getHostname([string] url): string : Return the hostname of the given url (with port) - Example: "github.com", "localhost:3000", ...
  • getPort([string] url): string : Return the port of the given url - Example: "", "3000", ...
  • getRoute([string] url): string : Return the main parts of the given url
  • getRouteAttributes([string] url): array : Return the list of parts of the given url
  • getQuerystring([string] url): string : Return the part of the given url with options
  • getOption([string] param, [string] url): object|string : Return a specific option in the url's options, or all options in an object
  • getHash([string] url): string : Return the hash of the given url
  • parse([string] url): object : Return parsed url in an object:
    // urlParser.parse('http://localhost:3000/models?sort=asc#quantiles')  {   "protocol": "http:",   "host":     "localhost:3000",   "hostname": "localhost",   "port":     "3000",   "pathname": "/models",   "search":   "?sort=asc",   "searchObject": { "sort": "asc" },   "hash":     "quantiles" }


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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