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A directive for Angular 1 to set same height for various elements from the larger element .





Auxiliar directive for AngulaJS (angular 1), before CSS flexbox and grid stability on all browsers.

When this lib was created, flexbox was not implemented/stable on all browsers. Now, i recommend you to use css flexbox to do this same thing.


This JavaScript AngularJS directive makes all elements with the same tag have the same height.1

You can add this lib as a Module or as a Directive:



To add as module

Install/call the sameheight lib:

<script src="../../sameheight.js"></script>

Extend as an angular module

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['sameheight']);

All elements that have the same "sameheight" value will have the same height setted by javascript

<div sameheight="some-identifier"></div>

To add as Directive

Install/call the sameheight lib:

<script src="../../sameheight-directive.js"></script>

Just initialize your app without add sameheight module:

var myapp = angular.module('myapp');

Adicione às tags que deseja deixar de mesmo tamanho:

<div sameheight="some-identifier"></div>

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