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An Angular component library featuring several sliders including a precision slider that offers increased accuracy over a standard slider when the data range is large.




An Angular component library featuring several sliders including a precision slider that offers increased accuracy over a standard slider when the data range is large.


To see these components in action go to https://paultfreedman.github.io/angular-precision-sliders/


Run the following command from your project directory:

npm install angular-precision-sliders

Then import the SlidersModule:

import { SlidersModule } from 'angular-precision-sliders';

and add it to the imports array of your module:

@NgModule({   declarations: [AppComponent, ...],   imports: [SlidersModule,...],   bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }


Precision Slider

Allows you to reduce the range of the slider by dragging vertically.


<aps-precision-slider class="slider precision-slider" [minValue]="0" [maxValue]="2500" [initialValue]="0" [handleWidth]="30" [trackHeight]="12" [focusOffsetThreshold]="36" [focusRate]="10" [focusMinRange]="0.05"         (valueChanged)="onPrecisionValueChange($event)" [selectableColour]="'orange'" [nonSelectableColour]="'gainsboro'" [handleFill]="'black'"></aps-precision-slider>

Responsive Slider

A standard slider that responds to user input.


<aps-responsive-slider class="slider basic-slider" [minValue]="0" [maxValue]="2500" [initialValue]="0" [handleWidth]="30" [trackHeight]="12" [bottomColour]="'green'"         [middleColour]="'green'" [topColour]="'green'" (valueChanged)="onBasicValueChange($event)"></aps-responsive-slider>


Does not respond directly to user input.


<aps-slider class="slider" [minValue]="0" [maxValue]="2500" [initialValue]="0" [value]="dummySliderVal" [handleWidth]="30" [trackHeight]="12" [bottomColour]="'red'"         [middleColour]="'red'" [topColour]="'red'"></aps-slider>


Name Description (P)recisionSlider, (R)esponsiveSlider, (S)lider
minValue Minimum value for slider PRS
maxValue Maximum value or slider PRS
initialValue Value when slider first loaded PRS
value Current slider value (bind to it to update value without user input) PRS
handleWidth Size in pixels of the slider handle PRS
trackHeight Height in pixels of the slider track PRS
handleFill Colour of the handle PRS
bottomColour Colour of the leftmost portion of the slider track -RS
middleColour Colour of the middle portion of the slider track -RS
topColour Colour of the rightmost portion of the slider track -RS
selectableColour Colour of the selectable portion of the base slider track P--
nonSelectableColour Colour of the non-selectable portion of the base slider track P--
focusOffsetThreshold Pixel offset before the focus slider becomes visible P--
focusRate Multiplication factor to adjust sensitivity of precision slider P--
focusMinRange Minimum proportion of the full range (0.0 - 1.0) P--


Name Description (P)recisionSlider, (R)esponsiveSlider, (S)lider
valueChanged Emitted when slider's value has been updated PR-

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