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A simple Angular plugin used for creating a 7-segment display on the web application.




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Angular plugin for displaying 7segments



npm install angular-7segments 


bower install angular-7segments --save 


<!DOCTYPE html> <html data-ng-app="demoApp">     <head>         ...     </head>          <body>         ...                  <script src="path/to/bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>         <script src="path/to/bower_components/angular-7segments/angular-7segments.js"></script>                  <script>             var app = angular.module('demoApp', ['wo.7segments']);         </script>     </body> </html>


Live example


//app.js app.controller('basicCtrl', function($scope){     $scope.value = '0123456789'; });
<!--index.html--> <div data-ng-controller="basicCtrl">     <div seg-group data-ng-model="value"> </div>      <!-- [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] --> </div>


  • Dot has some exceptions because try to reflect real seven digits.

  • Basically, dot doesn't reside in one distinct digit.

    • eg) 12.34 --> [1][2.][3][4]
  • However, under the below conditions, it holds one digit.

    • Dot is the first character.

      • eg) .1234 --> [.][1][2][3][4]
    • Dot's left character is a dot.

      • eg) 1... --> [1.][.][.]
    • Dot's left character is a space.

      • eg) 12 .45 --> [1][2][.][4][5]

Supported characters

  • number
  • alphabet: 'SEG' ( It has a relation with module name :) )
  • special character: hyphen(-), lodash(_), dot(.), space( )


app.controller('optCtrl', function($scope){     $scope.value = '_-SEG.0123';     $scope.options = {         size: 15,         align: 'left',         watch: true,              };
<div data-ng-controller="basicCtrl">     <div seg-group seg-options="options" data-ng-model="value"> </div>      <!-- [_][-][S][E][G.][0][1][2][3][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]--> </div>

Custom style

app.controlller('styleCtrl', function($scope){     $scope.value = '12345678';     $scope.digitOptions = {         onClass: 'custom-on-class',         // class name for light-on part         digitClass: 'custom-digit-class'    // class name for entire digit     }; );
.custom-on-class {     fill: black; }  .custom-digit-class {     fill: #ddd;     background-color: white; }
<div data-ng-controller="basicCtrl">     <div seg-group seg-options="options" data-ng-model="value"         seg-digit-options="digitOptions"> </div>      <!-- [1][2][3][4][5]6][7][8] -->     <!-- background color is white and light-on part color is black --> </div>

Custom pattern

Allow to add custom segment pattern by inserting it into segMap

app.controller('patternCtrl', function($scope, segment){     var copy = angular.copy(segment.defaults.group.map);     copy['r'] = segment.arrToSegNum([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]);     copy['o'] = segment.arrToSegNum([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]);     copy['b'] = segment.arrToSegNum([0, 0, 1 ,1 ,1, 1, 1]);          $scope.value = 'bro';          $scope.options = {         map: copy     } });
<div data-ng-controller="patternCtrl">     <div seg-group data-ng-model="value" seg-options="options"></div>     <!-- [r][o][b] -->     <!-- They are not provided basically --> </div>

Custom shape

Allow to modify segment part coordinates by updating segPoints

app.controller('shapeCtrl', function($scope, segment) {     var copy = angular.copy(segment.defaults.digit.points);          copy[1] = "38 11, 43 6, 48 11, 48 39, 43 39, 38 34";     copy[2] = "38 46, 43 41, 48 41, 48 69, 43 74, 38 69";          copy[4] = "0 41, 5 41, 10 46, 10 69, 5 74, 0 69";     copy[5] = "0 11, 5 6, 10 11, 10 34, 5 39, 0 39";          $scope.value = '0123';          $scope.digitOptions = {         points: copy     }; });
<div data-ng-controller="shapeCtrl">     <div seg-group data-ng-model="value" seg-digit-options="digitOptions"></div>     <!-- [0][1][2][3] -->     <!-- It has right angle at middle part --> </div>



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