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Very simple Angular4+ Material Design progress buttons.



Anguar Material Design Progress Buttons

npm version Build Status dependency Status devDependency Status


View all the directives in action at https://mat-progress-buttons.firebaseapp.com

StackBlitz demo https://stackblitz.com/edit/mat-progress-buttons-demo



Install above dependencies via npm.

Now install mat-progress-buttons via:

npm install --save mat-progress-buttons


Note:If you are using SystemJS, you should adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle. In your systemjs config file, map needs to tell the System loader where to look for mat-progress-buttons:

map: {   'mat-progress-buttons': 'node_modules/mat-progress-buttons/bundles/mat-progress-buttons.umd.js', }

Once installed you need to import the main module:

import { MatProgressButtonsModule } from 'mat-progress-buttons';

The only remaining part is to list the imported module in your application module. The exact method will be slightly different for the root (top-level) module for which you should end up with the code similar to (notice MatProgressButtonsModule .forRoot()):

import { MatProgressButtonsModule } from 'mat-progress-buttons';  @NgModule({   declarations: [AppComponent, ...],   imports: [MatProgressButtonsModule.forRoot(), ...],     bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }

Other modules in your application can simply import MatProgressButtonsModule:

import { MatProgressButtonsModule } from 'mat-progress-buttons';  @NgModule({   declarations: [OtherComponent, ...],   imports: [MatProgressButtonsModule, ...],  }) export class OtherModule { }


Spinner Button

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { MatProgressButtonOptions } from 'mat-progress-buttons';  @Component({   selector: 'app-home',   template: '<mat-spinner-button (btnClick)="btnClick()" [options]="btnOpts"></mat-spinner-button>' }) export class SomeComponent {    // Button Options   btnOpts: MatProgressButtonOptions = {     active: false,     text: 'Stroked Button',     spinnerSize: 19,     raised: false,     stroked: true,     flat: false,     fab: false,     buttonColor: 'accent',     spinnerColor: 'accent',     fullWidth: false,     disabled: false,     mode: 'indeterminate',   };    // Click handler   btnClick(): void {     this.btnOpts.active = true;     setTimeout(() => {       this.btnOpts.active = false;     }, 3350);   } };

Bar Button

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { MatProgressButtonOptions } from 'mat-progress-buttons';  @Component({   selector: 'app-home',   template: '<mat-bar-button (btnClick)="btnClick()" [options]="btnOpts"></mat-bar-button>' }) export class SomeComponent {    // Button Options   btnOpts: MatProgressButtonOptions = {     active: false,     text: 'Stroked Button',     buttonColor: 'accent',     barColor: 'accent',     raised: false,     stroked: true,     flat: false,     mode: 'indeterminate',     value: 0,     disabled: false   };    // Click handler   btnClick(): void {     this.btnOpts.active = true;     setTimeout(() => {       this.btnOpts.active = false;     }, 3350);   } };

Note: Bar Button does not suppor the fab style, currently. Hope to have something like this soon.

Run Demo App Locally

$ git clone https://github.com/michaeldoye/mat-progress-buttons.git
  • link the mat-progress-buttons package
$ gulp link
  • navigate to the demo app directory
$ cd demo
  • install the dependencies
$ npm i
  • run/start/serve the app
$ npm run start


$ ng serve --open
  • the app is now hosted by http://localhost:4200/


  1. clone this repo
  2. Install the dependencies by running npm i
  3. build the library npm run build or gulp build
  4. Link the library gulp link
  5. Navigate to the demo app's directory
  • cd demo _ npm i _ npm start


Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Doye. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)

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