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Angular directive to convert JSON into human readable table.

Plugins Table


angular-json-human Analytics

Angular directive to convert JSON into human readable table. Inspired by https://github.com/marianoguerra/json.human.js.


Check out the demo here.


This directive requires lodash. I'm going to remove the dependency in the future release.

How to Use

Install it via bower:

$ bower install angular-json-human 

Include angular-json-human.(js|css) in your project. Load the directive after loading angular.js

<script src="<path to angular.js>"></script> <script src="<path to angular-json-human.js>"></script> 

Specify angular-json-human as a dependency of your Angular module.

var app = angular.module('ngApp', [   'yaru22.jsonHuman' ]); 

Use it in your project.

<html ng-app="ngApp"> ... <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">   <div json-human="jsonStr"></div>   ... </body> </html> 

or check out my Plunker for the minimal setup.

How to Contribute

$ git clone https://github.com/yaru22/angular-json-human.git $ cd angular-json-human $ npm install; bower install $ # modify the source code in src/ $ grunt clean; grunt build $ # test your changes; you can modify demo/ and serve it locally to see the changes. $ # submit a pull request 


  • Remove the dependency on Lodash.

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