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An Angular 2 component allowing panning and zooming an image in a canvas element.A <canvas> element hosting an HtmlImageElement which can be panned and zoomed using the mouse.This component also provides two-way bindings for panning and zooming programmatically.

Plugins Zoom



An Angular 2 component allowing panning and zooming an image in a canvas element

A <canvas> element hosting an HtmlImageElement which can be panned and zoomed using the mouse.

This component also provides two-way bindings for panning and zooming programmatically. For an example of the component in action, see the example page.


npm install --save @durwella/zoomable-canvas 


Import the component in your NgModule:

import { ZoomableCanvasComponent } from '@durwella/zoomable-canvas';  @NgModule({     ...     declarations: [         ...         ZoomableCanvasComponent     ],     ... }) export class AppModule { }

Include the components in your app:

<zoomable-canvas      [image]="image"     (topChange)="top = $event" (bottomChange)="bottom = $event"      (leftChange)="left = $event" (rightChange)="right = $event"     [(centerX)]="centerX" [(centerY)]="centerY"     [(zoomLevel)]="zoomLevel" [maxZoom]="maxZoom" [minZoom]="0"     (canvasWidthChange)="canvasWidth = $event" (canvasHeightChange)="canvasHeight = $event" ></zoomable-canvas>


Pull requests accepted.


MIT © Durwella LLC 2017

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