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css3ri.js is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 media queries to detect the screen size and loads in the appropriate images for 4 different screen resolutions.



CSS3 Responisve Image loading plugin

Simple plugin for loading different sizes( or quality ) of a image depending on the screen size, by only using CSS3 media queries.

The plugin has 4 predefined screen sizes inspired by Twitter Bootstrap See: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#responsive-utilities

Demo & usage docs

By default, the plugin adds a Dom Ready eventlistener and init's all elements with the 'data-toggle="responsive"' attribute.

Markup Example

Create a placeholder Image with the

<img class="round" src="../img/loading.gif"  		data-toggle="responsive" 		data-aspect="16x9" 		data-xs="../img/katzen_xs.jpg" 		data-sm="../img/katzen_sm.jpg" 		data-md="../img/katzen_md.jpg" 		data-lg="../img/katzen_lg.jpg"> 

Markup Options

Attribute Description
data-aspect Image aspect ratio, is needed to keep the height of the image correct when resizing the screen.Predefined values: 1x1, 2x3, 3x2, 4x3, 16x9
data-xs Image path for Extra small devices eg. Phones (<768px)
data-sm Image path for Small devices eg. Tablets (≥768px)
data-md Image path for Medium devices eg. Desktops (≥992px)
data-lg Image path for Large devices eg. Desktops (≥1200px)

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