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A Vue.js component used to animated the counting of a numeric value.



Animate Number


How to Use


$ npm install vue-animate-number

as a vue plugin

import Vue from 'vue' import VueAnimateNumber from 'vue-animate-number' Vue.use(VueAnimateNumber)


<template>   <div>     <animate-number       from="1"        to="10"        duration="1000"        easing="easeOutQuad"       :formatter="formatter"     ></animate-number>      <!-- parseInt as default formatter -->     <animate-number from="1" to="10"></animate-number>          <!-- manually start animation by click -->     <animate-number ref="myNum" from="0" to="10" mode="manual" :formatter="formatter"></animate-number><br>          <button type="button" @click="startAnimate()"> animate! </button>   </div> </template>  <script>   export default {     methods: {       formatter: function (num) {         return num.toFixed(2)       },        startAnimate: function () {         this.$refs.myNum.start()       }     }   } </script>

more easing effects: https://github.com/jeremyckahn/shifty/blob/master/src/easing-functions.js

more examples: https://github.com/wangdahoo/vue-animate-number/blob/master/index.html


<animate-number    mode="auto"   duration="1000"   :from="from"    :to="to"   from-color="#44CC00"    to-color="#ec4949"   :formatter="formatter"    :animate-end="animateEnd"> </animate-number>
prop name type description default required
mode string auto or manual, trigger animation immediately or not auto N
from number value, at which animate starts - Y
to number value, at which animate ends - Y
fromColor string start color for gradient, in hex format - N
toColor string end color for gradient, in hex format - N
formatter Function value formatter for number in every step during the animation parseInt N
animateEnd Function callback after animation - N

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