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A fancy Vue.js component which applies a glitch effect to any text.




👻 Vue.js component to apply glitch effect in any kind of text

Codeship Status for ianaya89/vue-esc Coverage Status

glitch preview


$ npm i -S vue-glitch  # or  $ yarn add vue-glitch

Global Registration

// main.js  import Vue from 'vue'; import Glitch from 'vue-glitch';  Vue.component('glitch', Glitch);

Local Registration

<script>   // Component.vue   import Glitch from 'vue-glitch';    export default {     name: 'Component',      components: { Glitch }   }; </script>

Component Usage

<template>   <main>     <glitch text="Glitched"></glitch>     <glitch text="Glitched with custom color", color="tomato"></glitch>     <glitch text="Glitched with custom background", background="steelblue"></glitch>   </main> </template>

Component Properties

name required default
text true
color false #fff
background false #000

Component Styling

To apply custom styles you should care about .glitch and .glitch-wrapper classes.

.glitch {   margin-bottom: 20px;   padding: 20px;   font-size: 40px; }  .glitch-wrapper {   font-family: sans-serif; }

Development Setup

# install dependencies $ npm i  # dev mode $ npm run dev  # test $ npm run test  # build $ npm run build


MIT License



This project was generated with generator-vue-component and was inspired by this Codepen by @anatravas

⌨️ with ❤️ by @ianaya89

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