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A dependency-free vertical show/hide component (with easing functions) for Vue.



Vue Show

A dependency-free vertical show/hide component for Vue.

This package was inspired by React Show.


You need to show & hide vue components. Everyone does! Of course you want it to be simple and lightweight. But most of all you don't want to bloat up your app with things like custom physics-based animation frameworks or even jQuery (heaven forbid). vue-show is the answer. Read on!

Live Demo



  • Powered by CSS animations. Put that on the GPU baby!
  • Extremely easy to control. It's all in the props!


$ yarn add vue-show # or $ npm install --save vue-show


import VueShow from 'vue-show' Vue.use(VueShow)
<x-show :show="true">   Hello world! </x-show> 



The default export and main component for Vue-Show.

Prop Required Default Value Description
show true false Determines whether to "show" the content or not.
duration 500 The transition-duration of the transition used to show the content
easing easeOutQuint The transition-timing-function used to show the content
transitionProperty height The transition-property used to show the content
unmountOnHide false Determines whether the children will be unmounted when not visible.
transitionOnMount false Determines whether to animate from a hidden to a shown state on mount
minHeight The minimum hight of the content. Beware using with :unmount-on-hide="true"!
height The optional fixed height of the children when open


React-Show comes packaged with some awesome easings that are accessible via VueShow.easings. They are extremely simple to use too:

import VueShow from 'vue-show' Vue.use(VueShow)
<x-show   :show="true"   :easing="VueShow.easings.easeOutQuart" >   Hello world! </x-show> 

Below is a full list of the available easings located at VueShow.easings

VueShow.easings = {   // Cubic   easeInCubic: 'cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)',   easeOutCubic: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000)',   easeInOutCubic: 'cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000)',    // Circ   easeInCirc: 'cubic-bezier(0.600, 0.040, 0.980, 0.335)',   easeOutCirc: 'cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000)',   easeInOutCirc: 'cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860)',    // Expo   easeInExpo: 'cubic-bezier(0.950, 0.050, 0.795, 0.035)',   easeOutExpo: 'cubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000)',   easeInOutExpo: 'cubic-bezier(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000)',    // Quad   easeInQuad: 'cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530)',   easeOutQuad: 'cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)',   easeInOutQuad: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.030, 0.515, 0.955)',    // Quart   easeInQuart: 'cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.030, 0.685, 0.220)',   easeOutQuart: 'cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000)',   easeInOutQuart: 'cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000)',    // Quint   easeInQuint: 'cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060)',   easeOutQuint: 'cubic-bezier(0.230, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000)',   easeInOutQuint: 'cubic-bezier(0.860, 0.000, 0.070, 1.000)',    // Sine   easeInSine: 'cubic-bezier(0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715)',   easeOutSine: 'cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000)',   easeInOutSine: 'cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.050, 0.550, 0.950)',    // Back   easeInBack: 'cubic-bezier(0.600, -0.280, 0.735, 0.045)',   easeOutBack: 'cubic-bezier(0.175,  0.885, 0.320, 1.275)',   easeInOutBack: 'cubic-bezier(0.680, -0.550, 0.265, 1.550)', }


We are always looking for people to help us grow vue-show's capabilities and examples. If you have an issue, feature request, or pull request, let us know!


Vue Show uses the MIT license.

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