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timesetter is a jQuery duration & time picker plugin which allows the user to pick duration in hours and minutes with increment / decreament buttons and keyboard interactions.

Time-Picker Duration-Picker



jquery-timesetter is a jQuery plugin which generates a UI component useful to take user inputs or to display time values with hour and minutes in a friendly format. UI provide intuitive behaviors for better user experience such as validations in real-time and keyboard arrow key support.


  • jQuery 2.2.4
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7 CSS file

How to use

Simplest usage to start with you can use any HTML container element such as <div/> or <p/>. To apply timesetter capabilities you need to call .timesetter() on the HTML element as shown below.


Customize options

While there is a default set of options built in inside the plugin, you are free to customize them as you need as shown below.

var options = {     hour: {         value: 0,         min: 0,         max: 24,         step: 1,         symbol: "hrs"     },     minute: {         value: 0,         min: 0,         max: 60,         step: 15,         symbol: "mins"     },     direction: "increment", // increment or decrement     inputHourTextbox: null, // hour textbox     inputMinuteTextbox: null, // minutes textbox     postfixText: "", // text to display after the input fields     numberPaddingChar: '0' // number left padding character ex: 00052 };  $(".div1").timesetter(options);

Set values

Below functions supports in setting values into the plugin of the element.

$(".div1").timesetter(options).setHour(17); $(".div1").timesetter(options).setMinute(15); $(".div2").timesetter().setValuesByTotalMinutes(175); $(".div2").timesetter().setPostfixText();

Read values

Below functions supports in reading values from the plugin of the element.

var defaultOptions = $(".div1").timesetter().getDefaultSettings(); var hours = $(".div1").timesetter().getHoursValue(); var minutes = $(".div1").timesetter().getMinutesValue(); var totalMinutes = $(".div1").timesetter().getTotalMinutes(); var postfixText = $(".div1").timesetter().getPostfixText();

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