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A simple and user-friendly jQuery time selector plugin which enables the user to quickly select a time using mouse and keyboard keys.




A simple jQuery plugin for time selection in form.

Current version: 2.0.0


Include jQuery and the plugin on your page. Then select a input element and call the timeselector method on DOM ready.

<script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="jquery.timeselector.js"></script> <script> 	$(function() { 		$('[name="time"]').timeselector(); 	}); </script> <input type="text" name="time" /> 


hours12 (default: true)
Type: Boolean
Define whether or not to show AM/PM with selected time.

step (default: 1)
Type: Number
The step size to adjust minutes when click the timeselector buttons or press the UP/DOWN KEY on the keyboard.

min (default: '')

Type: String

The maximum time limit that can be set

max (default: '')

Type: String

The minimum time limit that can be set


option( options )
Returns: jQuery
Set one or more options for the timeselector. ​

  • options
    Type: Object
    A map of option-value pairs to set.

Code example: ​ $('[name="time"]').timeselector('option', {hours12: false});

Returns: jQuery
When the input value is set manually, need to call this method to manually update the timeselector and input value if the value is valid.

Code example: ​ $('[name="time"]').val('13:00').timeselector('refresh'); // input value will update to '01:00 PM'

Keyboard interaction

  • UP: Increment the minute by one step.
  • DOWN: Decrement the minute by one step.
  • PAGE UP: Increment one hour.
  • PAGE DOWN: Decrement one hour.
  • ESCAPE: Close the timeselector without selection.


If timeselector specific styling is needed, the following CSS class names can be used:

  • timeselector: The outer container of the timeselector.
    • timeselector-item: The outer container of the hour or the minute section. The hour section will additionally have a timeselector-hour class and the minute section will additionally have a timeselector-minute class.
      • timeselector-button: The button controls used to increment and decrement the time's value. The up button will additionally have a timeselector-up class and the down button will additionally have a timeselector-down class.
      • timeselector-value: The element to display the time's value.
    • timeselector-separator: The separator of time.



jQuery, tested with 1.10.2


Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas Zhao; Licensed MIT

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