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timebox is a simple, lightweight, cross-browser jQuery time picker plugin which enables the users to select hours, minutes and AM/PM from a popup box for easier time selection.




Yet another jQuery Time Picker. I built this for a mobile first web-app after we couldn't find a solution that met our requirements.


Dialog or responsive modes Change color styles in Javascript based on dynamic host colors Scale can be adjusted to meet application needs. (15 min. 10min... etc)

Vanilla Example

$(".timebox").each(function(){     var that = this;      $(that).ezTimebox({         "time_element" : that, //this is the element ID that is used to get/set time data         "starting_time" : $.trim($(that).text()), //this provides the starting time in h:ma format (3:00pm)         onSave : function(v){         }     });      //show box on click     $(that).off("click").on("click", function(){         $(that).ezTimebox("show");     }); }); 

Featured Example

$(".timebox").each(function(){     var that = this;      $(that).ezTimebox({         "time_element" : that, //this is the element ID that is used to get/set time data         "starting_time" : $.trim($(that).attr("data-time")), //this provides the starting time in h:ma format (3:00pm)         "responsive" : true,         "scale" : 10,         "primary_color_bg" : '#ffffffbf',         "primary_color_fg" : '#ffffff',         "secondary_color_bg" : '#009fff',         "secondary_color_fg" : '#ffffff',         "tertiary_color_bg" : '#76767694',         "tertiary_color_fg" : '#ffffff',         "save_color_bg" : '#0083ff',         "save_color_fg" : '#ffffff',         onSave : function(v){              $(that).text("Time: " + v);         } });  //show box on click $(that).off("click").on("click", function(){     $(that).ezTimebox("show"); }); 


Please use this free of charge or licensing restrictions. Hope it helps you.

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