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The inputArrow jQuery plugin converts the normal text field into a highly customizable, mobile-friendly input spinner with custom increment and decrement buttons.

Number input-spinner


jQuery plugin for flexible input arrows

Creates arrows for incrementing and decrementing input value


  • min {Number} - minimum value (default: 0)
  • max {Number} - maximum value (default: Infinity)
  • step {Number} - change step (default: 1)
  • emptyOnMin {Boolean} - set empty string instead of minimum value (default: false)
  • renderPrev {Function} - rendering previous arrow; context: InputArrow instance; arguments: HTMLInputElement, return jQuery-element (default: drawing span before the HTMLInputElement)
  • renderNext {Function} - rendering next arrow; context: InputArrow instance; arguments: HTMLInputElement, return jQuery-element (default: drawing span after the HTMLInputElement)
  • encodeValue {Function} - extra parsing value from HTMLInputElement (i. e., for cutting extra string or formatting) (default: null)
  • decodeValue {Function} - extra processing value before setting in HTMLInputElement (i. e., for adding extra string or formatting) (default: null)
  • onChange {Function} - handler for changings value; context: InputArrow instance, arguments: newValue, oldValue (default: null)
  • onIterate {Function} - handler for each iteartion step (during fluent change); context: InputArrow instance, arguments: newValue, oldValue (default: null)
  • disabledClassName {String} - additional className for arrows when the value cannot be decremented or incremented (default: inputarrow-disabled)
  • comma {Boolean} - use comma instead of dot for real numbers (default: false)
  • gradientFactor {Number} - factor for increasing coefficient for fluent mode; must be > 1 (default: 1.1)
  • gradientDefault {Number} - default coefficient for fluent mode; must be >= 1 (default: 1)
  • gradientMax {Number} - maximum coefficient for fluent mode; must be >= 1 (default: 20)
  • delay {Number} - delay between touching arrow and starting fluent mode (default: 300)
  • interval {Number} - interval between iterations in fluent mode (default: 120)



Single increment or decrement value @param {number} Coefficient (-1 for decrementing, +1 for incrementing) Example: $('input').inputarrow('count', 1)


Start fluent incrementing or decrementing value @param {number} Coefficient (-1 for decrementing, +1 for incrementing) Example: $('input').inputarrow('startCounting', 1)


Stop fluent incrementing or decrementing value Example: $('input').inputarrow('stopCounting')


Get value from input @return {number} The value Example: var value = $('input').inputarrow('getValue')


Set value for input @param {number} The value Example: $('input').inputarrow('setValue', 1)


Fit the input value for current constraints (min, max) Example: $('input').inputarrow('fit')


Check arrows for availability using min and max options Example: $('input').inputarrow('check')


Destroy all created elements and unbind connected events Example: $('input').inputarrow('destroy')


Simple initialization


Initialization with options

$('input').inputarrow({     min: 0,     max: 100,     step: 5,     comma: true,     emptyOnMin: true }) 

Initialization with custom rendering

$('input').inputarrow({     renderPrev: function(input) {         return $('<span class="custom-prev">prev</span>').insertBefore(input);     },     renderNext: function(input) {         return $('<span class="custom-next">next</span>').insertAfter(input);     },     disabledClassName: 'custom-disabled' }); 

Initialization with custom value processing

$('input').inputarrow({     encodeValue: function(value) {         if (value === 'no bananas') {             return 0;         }         return value.replace(/^(.*?)\sbananas?$/, '$1');     },     decodeValue: function(value) {         if (value === 0) {             return 'no bananas';         }         var unit = (value === 1) ? 'banana' : 'bananas';         return value + ' ' + unit;     },     onChange: function(newValue, oldValue) {         console.info('change from', oldValue, 'to', newValue);     },     onIterate: function(newValue, oldValue) {         console.info('iterate from', oldValue, 'to', newValue);     } }); 

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