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Alphanum is a small yet useful JQuery plugin that allows you to restrict a text field to only accept specify characters (alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters).

input Number Character alphabet alphanumeric


jQuery Alphanum

jsfiddle demo


Restricts the characters that may be entered into a text field.

.alphanum();  .alpha();  .numeric();


Restrict the input to alphanumeric characters


Override some of the default settings

$("#username").alphanum({   allowSpace: false, // Allow the space character   allowUpper: false  // Allow Upper Case characters });

Available settings plus their default values

var DEFAULT_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM = {   allow              : 'abc', // Allow extra characters   disallow           : 'xyz', // Disallow extra characters   allowSpace         : true,  // Allow the space character   allowNewline       : true,  // Allow the newline character \n ascii 10   allowNumeric       : true,  // Allow digits 0-9   allowUpper         : true,  // Allow upper case characters   allowLower         : true,  // Allow lower case characters   allowCaseless      : true,  // Allow characters that do not have both upper & lower variants                               // eg Arabic or Chinese   allowLatin         : true,  // a-z A-Z   allowOtherCharSets : true,  // eg é, Á, Arabic, Chinese etc   forceUpper         : false, // Convert lower case characters to upper case   forceLower         : false, // Convert upper case characters to lower case   maxLength          : NaN    // eg Max Length }

Convenience values for commonly used settings


is equivalent to

$("#username").alphanum({   allowNumeric  : false,   allowUpper    : true,   allowLower    : false,   allowCaseless : true });

List of convenience values

var CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM = {   "alpha"      : {     allowNumeric : false   },   "upper"      : {     allowNumeric  : false,     allowUpper    : true,     allowLower    : false,     allowCaseless : true   },   "lower"      : {     allowNumeric  : false,     allowUpper    : false,     allowLower    : true,     allowCaseless : true   } };


Restrict the input to numeric characters


Override some of the default settings

$("#weight").numeric({   allowMinus   : false,   allowThouSep : false });

Available settings plus their default values

var DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NUM = {   allowPlus           : false, // Allow the + sign   allowMinus          : true,  // Allow the - sign   allowThouSep        : true,  // Allow the thousands separator, default is the comma eg 12,000   allowDecSep         : true,  // Allow the decimal separator, default is the fullstop eg 3.141   allowLeadingSpaces  : false,   maxDigits           : NaN,   // The max number of digits   maxDecimalPlaces    : NaN,   // The max number of decimal places   maxPreDecimalPlaces : NaN,   // The max number digits before the decimal point   max                 : NaN,   // The max numeric value allowed   min                 : NaN    // The min numeric value allowed }

Convenience values for commonly used settings


Equivalent to

$("#age").alphanum({   allowPlus:    false,   allowMinus:   true,   allowThouSep: false,   allowDecSep:  false });

List of convenience values

var CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_NUMERIC = {   "integer"         : {     allowPlus:    false,     allowMinus:   true,     allowThouSep: false,     allowDecSep:  false   },   "positiveInteger" : {     allowPlus:    false,     allowMinus:   false,     allowThouSep: false,     allowDecSep:  false   } };


Restrict the input to alphabetic characters


Equivalent to the convenience option



To unbind jquery.alphaum from an element



jquery.alphanum works by maintaining a blacklist of non-alphanumeric characters. There is no whitelist. It is assumed that all unicode characters are permissable unless there is a specific rule that disallows them.

These are the blacklisted characters that are encodable using 7-bit ascii

var blacklist = '!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\\';,/{}|":<>?~`.- _';

These are the blacklisted unicode characters that can't be encoded using 7-bit ascii

var blacklist =     "\xAC"     // ¬   + "\u20AC"   //   + "\xA3"     // £   + "\xA6"     // ¦   ;

The blacklist may be extended or reduced using the 'allow' and 'disallow' settings

$("#password").alphanum({   allow :    '&,;', // Specify characters to allow   disallow : 'xyz'  // Specify characters to disallow });


To change the characters that are used as numeric separators, use the following global method:

$.fn.alphanum.setNumericSeparators({   thousandsSeparator: " ",   decimalSeparator: "," });


Developer Setup

Install node.js

# Install grunt npm install -g grunt-cli  # Install dependencies npm install  # Start the development server: grunt

The server scans the source code for changes and automatically runs eslint, unit tests and e2e tests.

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