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Yet another jQuery plugin designed for email fields that autocompletes email addresses from a pre-defined domain list.

Autocomplete input email



An autocomplete JQuery plugin for email fields


This plugin autocompletes email addresses when supplied with an email domain. Instead of the regular JQuery autocomplete's dropdown menu of autocomplete suggestions, this types ahead while keeping the auto-filled text highlighted as to not obstruct the user.



To use this plugin, download the file and on pageload, call:

$('#your-field').autoEmail(["gmail.com", "foo.org", "foo.com", "foobar.com"], false);

The method accepts two parameters, domains and multi-enabled.

  • domains is an array of domains to autocomplete with, autocompleting on the first match in the array. Typing joe@f in the above example will first autocomplete to joe@foo.org. After the user types joe@foob, the field will autocomplete to joe@foobar.com.
  • multi-enabled is a boolean flag that enables the user to enter multiple emails in the field, separated by a , or ;


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