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searchHistory.js is a jQuery plugin which stores previously entered input values in local cookies and displays them in a dropdown suggestion list when needed.

cookie input



a jquery plugin showing the search history on the html's input element, and some operations are added to it, and can cooperate with jquery.autocompleter.js created by ArtemFitiskin.


script(type='text/javascript',src='jquery.js') //need this jquery plugin to support cookie operations script(type='text/javascript',src='jquery.cookie.js') script(type='text/javascript',src='jquery.searchHistory.js') 


//in demo, this style is written by less, and some other styles don't matter much link(rel='stylesheet',type='text/css',href='jquery.searchHistory.css') 

Define your searchHistory:

//be carefull, this plugin's performance is showed on input element //but declared on form element. //I do so, just wannait can work with jquery.autocompleter.js created by ArtemFitiskin  $(function () {   $('#historyForm').searchHistory({expires:7}); }); 


Name Type Description Deafult
maxShowNum number the number of the search history showing on screen 4
expires number cookies' expires, day as the basic unit 7
input string the jquery selector for input element '.history-input'
cookiesName string the name of cookie 'searchHistory'
selected function(value) triggered after an item is selected, and the selected value will ed transfered doing nothing
beforeSend function(value) triggered before submiting the form, and the submiting value will be transformed doing nothing
sendWhenSelected bool submit the form when an item is selected true
actionByCall bool are the performances of this plugin triggered by call, for cooperating with other plugins false


open list


close list


clear history




  .row 	.col-xs-10.col-xs-offset-5 		form#historyForm(action='',method='POST') 			.form-control-group 				input.history-input.form-control(type='text',placeholder='input') 			.row.height-10 			.row 				button#open(type='button').btn.btn-primary open 				p 				button#close(type='button').btn.btn-info close 				p 				button#clear(type='button').btn.btn-warning clear 


$(function(){ 		$('#historyForm').searchHistory({ 			'sendWhenSelect':false, 			//you can set 'actionByCall' to false and experience the differences 			'actionByCall':true 		}); 		$('#open').click(function(){$('#historyForm').searchHistory('open');}); 		$('#close').click(function(){$('#historyForm').searchHistory('close');}); 		$('#clear').click(function(){$('#historyForm').searchHistory('clear');}); 	}); 

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