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Just another jQuery plugin that displays customizable, styleabe and dismissable EU Cookie Law Notice on your webpage.

EU-Cookie-Law cookie




This script was based on Creare's 'Implied Consent' EU Cookie Law Banner v:2.4 but was heavily altered and refactored for more options and to use jQuery.


Just include the cookie-banner.js file. Or if you are using bower, you can run:

	bower install [email protected]:danny-allen/cookie-banner.git --save


	//instantiate cookie 	var cookieBanner = new namespace.CookieBanner({ 		//configure options here - see below 		duration: 28, 	});  	//when the close element of the cookie banner is clicked 	cookieBanner.closeElement.on('click', function(e){  		//dont follow the anchor 		e.preventDefault();  		//remove the banner (setting a cookie to remember) 		cookieBanner.removeMe(); 	});


Option Default value Description
dropColumn true False disables the Cookie, allowing you to style the banner
duration 14 Number of days before the cookie expires, and the banner reappears
cookieName 'complianceCookie' Name of our cookie
cookieValue 'on' Value of cookie
parentElement $('body') Selector within which to insert the cookie notice
prepend true Prepend to the selector element (if false, append)
content *(HTML string) Content for the cookie banner
closeElementSelector '.cookie-banner' Close element selector
closeElementContent *(HTML string) Content for the close elemenent
bannerClass 'cookie-banner' Class to attach to the banner

* HTML string - not an actual value, but represents the type of value, see the object for actual value.

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