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userincr is a lightweight jQuery input spinner plugin which allows you to increment and decrement an input field using external controls.



User-controlled incrementer



Turns an edit box into a spinbox with user-controllable increment function.

Plugin wraps a text box in a <span class="userincr-container"> (unless it is the only child of its parent) and generates a pair of buttons to increment and decrement a value in that box.

When user enters a string of a form +x, *x, /x, +x%, -x%, the previous value of the box is increased or multiplied by this amount. This also changes the increment step value, so that future clicks on the buttons will repeat same operation.

The string of a form -x sets the value of the box to -x, unless the range of the box does not allow negative numbers (see below) -- in this case, it acts as a decrement operation.

Constructor Options

Custom button labels


uses custom labels on the generated buttons

Enable keyboard increments


Allow up and down arrows to trigger increment and decrement.

Enable mouse wheel increments


Mouse wheel (with cursor over edit box) triggers increments and decrements.

Named values


Named values. symbolic constants listed in constants option are translated into numbers as entered. The name will only be converted to a number if entered exactly, not as part of increment operation.

DATA options




<input type="text" data-min="-0.5" data-max="255.5" value="100" /><br/>

restricts allowed values to a given range.

Initial increment


Selects initial value and mode of increment. Allowed values for op is add (default) and mul.

Data has to be set before the constructor call in order for the generated buttons to get their proper titles, but the action will work either way.

Other notes

Unless the source text box already has a title attribute, the plugin generates a title with a reminder on the format of step and mode control inputs.

The box generates custom step event every time it is changed by clicking on of the increment buttons.

.data('previous') gives access to the value that the control had before increment/decrement or manual set. .data('value') is current value. At certain conditions may be different from .val()

.data('spin') is a closure which gives performs inc/decrement.

The title of the increment buttons shows amount and type of increment/decrement.

The css classes for generated buttons are "userincr-btn-inc" and "userincr-btn-dec".

The css class for the generated wrapper is "userincr-container".

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