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NkDialog is a simple, flexible, customizable, AJAX-enabled jQuery Modal Dialog plugin which is able to use for any kind of web project.

Dialog Modal



jQuery Dialog Plugin






o |-- dist |   |-- NkDialog.css |   |-- NkDialog.js |   |-- NkDialog.min.css |   `-- NkDialog.min.js |-- CHANGELOG |-- LICENSE `-- README.md 



add a link to the css file in your :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="NkDialog.min.css" /> 


before your closing tag add:

<script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="NkDialog.min.js"></script> 



<div class="nkdialog">     <h3 class="nkdialog-header">         ...     </h3>     <div class="nkdialog-content">         ...     </div>     <p class="nkdialog-footer">         ...     </p> </div> 

Data Attribute

<div class="nkdialog" data-nkdialog='{"property":"value"}'></div> 


<script>     $('.nkdialog').NkDialog({         property : value     }); </script> 



$('.nkdialog').on('initialized.NkDialog', function(e, el, opts) {     // ... }) .NkDialog({     // ... }); 
$('.nkdialog').NkDialog({     on : {         initialized : function(e, el, opts){             // ...         }     } }); 


<div class="nkdialog" data-nkdialog='{"onoff":{"destroy":false}}'></div> 


All callback functions have event, element, and options parameters.

$('.nkdialog').NkDialog({     on : {         open : function(e, el, opts) {             // ...         }     } }); 


This is an example of how html is rendered.
With the following options you can change id and class the way you want.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <body class="nkdialog-opened nkdialog-fixed">      ...  <!-- START: NkDialog --> <div id="nkdialog-container" class="origin outer inner bg-disabled full-size full-width full-height">     <div id="nkdialog-bg"></div>     <!-- When close.offset value is outer -->     <div id="nkdialog-close">...</div>     <div id="nkdialog-wrapper" style="max-width:640px;">                  <div id="nkdialog-section">             <!-- When close.offset value is inner -->             <div id="nkdialog-close">...</div>             <div id="nkdialog-wrap">                  <header id="nkdialog-header">                     <h2 id="nkdialog-title">                         ...                     </h2>                 </header>                 <div id="nkdialog-content" style="max-height:50vh;">                     ...                 </div>                 <footer id="nkdialog-footer">                     ...                 </footer>              </div><!-- #nkdialog-wrap -->         </div><!-- #nkdialog -->      </div><!-- #nkdialog-wrapper --> </div><!-- #nkdialog-container --> <!-- END: NkDialog --> </body> </html> 


| feature   | Property              | Type      | Default               | Description                                               | |---------  |---------------------- |---------- |---------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------- | | ids       | container             | string    | 'nkdialog-container'  | Dialog popup content id                                   | | ids       | wrapper               | string    | 'nkdialog-wrapper'    | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | section               | string    | 'nkdialog'            | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | inner                 | string    | 'nkdialog-inner'      | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | header                | string    | 'nkdialog-header'     | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | title                 | string    | 'nkdialog-title'      | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | content               | string    | 'nkdialog-content'    | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | footer                | string    | 'nkdialog-footer'     | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | close                 | string    | 'nkdialog-close'      | sameAs                                                    | | ids       | bg                    | string    | 'nkdialog-bg'         | sameAs                                                    | | classes   | skin                  | string    | 'origin'              | Add a class to a container tag                            | | classes   | opened                | string    | 'nkdialog-opened'     | Add a class to a body tag                                 | | classes   | fixed                 | string    | 'nkdialog-fixed'      | sameAs                                                    | | display   | header                | boolean   | true                  | Display in the popup content                              | | display   | content               | boolean   | true                  | sameAs                                                    | | display   | footer                | boolean   | true                  | sameAs                                                    | | data      | header                | string    | ''                    | Get data from the element                                 | | data      | content               | string    | ''                    | sameAs                                                    | | data      | footer                | string    | ''                    | sameAs                                                    | | data      | close                 | string    | '<span>close</span>'  | sameAs                                                    | | target    | header                | string    | '.nkdialog-header'    | Parse html from the target element                        | | target    | content               | string    | '.nkdialog-content'   | sameAs                                                    | | target    | footer                | string    | '.nkdialog-footer'    | sameAs                                                    | | target    | close                 | string    | '.nkdialog-close'     | sameAs                                                    | | ajax      | url                   | string    | ''                    | Load data from a url                                      | | ajax      | target                | string    | '#nkdialog-content'   | Load data puts the returned data                          | | ajax      | response              | boolean   | false                 | Output console                                            | | ajax      | status                | boolean   | false                 | sameAs                                                    | | ajax      | xhr                   | boolean   | false                 | sameAs                                                    | | bg        | disabled              | boolean   | false                 |                                                           | | bg        | color                 | string    | 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'     |                                                           | | bg        | image                 | string    | ''                    | 'url(path/image.jpg)'                                     | | bg        | style                 | string    | ''                    | 'property:value;...'                                      | | close     | offset                | string    | 'inner'               | 'inner', 'outer'                                          | | scroll    | fixed                 | boolean   | false                 |                                                           | | animate   | effect                | string    | ''                    | '', 'fade'                                                | | animate   | duration              | number    | 300                   |                                                           | | size      | maxWidth              | string    | '640px'               | (unit) px, rem, vw, vh                                    | | size      | maxHeight             | string    | '50vh'                | (unit) px, rem, vw, vh                                    | | size      | fullSize              | boolean   | false                 | Overwrite maxWidth and maxHeight                          | | size      | fullWidth             | boolean   | false                 | Overwrite maxWidth                                        | | size      | fullHeight            | boolean   | false                 | Overwrite maxHeight                                       | | onoff     | delegate              | string    | 'a'                   | Prevents propagation of the same event from being called  | | onoff     | preventDefault        | boolean   | false                 | Cancels the event if it is cancelable                     | | onoff     | click                 | boolean   | true                  | Occurs when an element is clicked                         | | onoff     | destroy               | boolean   | false                 | Destroys plugin                                           | | onoff     | resize                | boolean   | true                  | When the plugin gets resize                               | | onoff     | resized               | boolean   | false                 | When the plugin gets resized                              | | onoff     | orientationchange     | boolean   | false                 | When the plugin gets orientationchange                    | | on        | initialize            | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | initialized           | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | resize                | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | resized               | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | orientationchange     | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | destroy               | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | open                  | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openAnimate           | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openStepAnimate       | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openProgressAnimate   | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openCompleteAnimate   | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openStartAnimate      | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openDoneAnimate       | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openFailAnimate       | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | openAlwaysAnimate     | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | close                 | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeAnimate          | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeStepAnimate      | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeProgressAnimate  | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeCompleteAnimate  | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeStartAnimate     | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeDoneAnimate      | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeFailAnimate      | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | | on        | closeAlwaysAnimate    | function  | null                  | (parameter) e, el, opts                                   | 

Browser support

IE9+, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


NkDialog is licensed under the MIT LICENSE

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