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gDialog is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create CSS3 animated, nice dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes (alert, prompt, confirm).

alert confirm Dialog prompt



jQuery, Zepto, Responsive and UMD

An elegant replacement dialog boxes with fancy entrance and exit animations powered by Animate.css.

view demo

##How to use it:

  • Load the required jQuery library and Animate.css in the html document.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/animate.min.css"> <script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
  • Load the gDialog plugin's files from src folder.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/jquery.gDialog.css"> <script src="src/jquery.gDialog.js"></script>
  • Create an alert dialog box with title and custom animations.
$.gDialog.alert("Alert message here.", {   title: "Alert Dialog Box",   animateIn: "bounceIn",   animateOut: "flipOutY" });
  • Create a prompt dialog box with required field and custom animations.
$.gDialog.prompt("Your Username", "jQueryScript", {   title: "Prompt Dialog Box",   required: true,   animateIn : "rollIn",   animateOut: "zoomOutDown" });
  • Create a confiramtion dialog box with no animations.
$.gDialog.confirm("Are You Sure?", {   title: "Confirm Dialog Box", });
  • All configuration options with default values.
// dialog title title: false,   // animation types // reference to https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ animateIn : false, animateOut : false,   // callback functions onSubmit : false, onCancel : false,   // required field for prompt dialog required: false,

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