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sDialog is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that helps you create minimal, clean, responsive modal popups for confirm / alert dialog boxes and popup menus.

Modal alert confirm popup Dialog



A dialog jquery-plugin for mobile site, easy, simple.

how to use it?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="sdialog.min.css" /> <script src="your path/jquery.js"></script> <script src="sdialog.min.js"></script> 
           //1、open a OK/Cancel Dialog                 $.sDialog({                     skin: "block",                     content: "添加购物车成功!",                     okBtnText: "再逛逛",                     cancelBtnText: "去购物车",                     width: 250,                     okFn: function () {                         console.log("click 去购物车!");                     },                     cancelFn: function () {                         console.log("click 再逛逛!");                     },                     onDestroy: function () {                         console.log("destroy!");                     }                 });            //2、open a success Dialog                 $.sDialog({                     skin: "green",                     content: "添加购物车成功!",                     "okBtn": false, //是否显示确定按钮                     "cancelBtn": false, //是否显示确定按钮                     width: 250,                     onDestroy: function () {                         console.log("destroy!");                     }                 });             //3、open a warning Dialog                 $.sDialog({                     skin: "red",                     content: "你输入的东西有误!",                     "okBtn": false, //是否显示确定按钮                     "cancelBtn": false, //是否显示确定按钮                     width: 250,                     onDestroy: function () {                         console.log("destroy!");                     }                 });            //4、open a window Dialog                 $.sWindow({                     title: "我的标题",//弹出框标题                     content: '我的内容', //弹出框里面的内容,支持html标签                     height: 330,//内容部分高度,不是整个对话框高度                     callback: function () {                         //加载完成后执行回调函数                     }                 })            //5、slide up a Menu Dialog                 $.sMenu({                     "menus": [                     {                         name: "退款", class: "rf", onclick: function () {                             console.log("点击了退款");                         }                     },                     {                         name: "退款退货", class: "rg", onclick: function () {                             console.log("点击了退款退货");                         }                     }                     ],                     "okBtn": false, //是否显示确定按钮                     "cancelBtnText": "取消", //取消按钮的文字                     "cancelFn": function () {                         console.log("点击了取消");                     }//点击取消按钮执行的函数                 })

check out the example/example.html demo.


live Demo, you can use mobile phone mode to view the demo for better experience!

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