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Popelt is a highly configurable jQuery popup plugin to create responsive modal windows & dialog boxes that support both dynamic and static html content.

Modal confirm popup Dialog



A Lightweight Responsive Dynamic Modal Popup jQuery Library

Check: Demo & Github

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  • Modal
  • Responsive
  • Dynamic Buttons
  • Dynamic content - Ajax, Iframe, or template
  • First input focus
  • Dynamic positioning
  • Escape to close
  • Multiple / nested popups and open stack handling
  • Dynamic overlay background color and opacity
  • Simple to use
  • IE7+ compatibility
  • Extreme Lightweight (just ~5kb compressed)


var MyPopup = new Popelt({     title: 'Pop some cash',     content: ''Hey wasup! This is my content.' }).show(); 


Method name Parameters Description
addButton label [,class] [,clickEvent] **label** - Name on button
        **class** - custom class to give to the button [optional]          **clickEvent** - Function to execute on click of button. If not provided, by default triggers popup close [optional]     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>setContent</td>     <td>content</td>     <td>     	**content** - Body content of the popup          Can be HTML or Plain text     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>show      	showPopup     </td>     <td>-</td>     <td>Show the popup</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>close          closePopup  	</td>     <td>-</td>     <td>     	Close the popup     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>addOKButton</td>     <td>clickEvent</td>     <td>     	Add a button with "OK" as label          **clickEvent** - On click event     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>addCloseButton</td>     <td>-</td>     <td>     	Add a button with "Close" as label. It will close the popup     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>addCancelButton</td>     <td>-</td>     <td>     	Add a button with "Cancel" as label. It will close the popup     </td> </tr> 

Settings / Attributes

Setting Values Default Description
modal boolean false **true** or **false**
title text _Not displayed if empty_
content string / html Popup body content.
    	HTML or Text string.          <small>_Not displayed if empty_</small>     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>width</td>     <td>number</td>     <td>600</td>     <td>Width of the popup.      	Accepts percent (%) or pixels (px)     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>maxHeight</td>     <td>number</td>     <td></td>     <td>Give max height to the content container for longer content.      	A scrollbar will appear if content overflows.     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>offsetTop</td>     <td>number</td>     <td>vertically centered</td>     <td>If the popup needs to appear some pixels away from the top instead of being vertically centered.     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>responsive</td>     <td>boolean</td>     <td>false</td>     <td> **true** or **false**      Width of the popup will be maximum 100%;</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>closeButton</td>     <td>boolean</td>     <td>true</td>     <td>Display the **"&times;"** close button on top right.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>closeBtnTooltip</td>     <td>text</td>     <td>"Close"</td>     <td>Tooltip for the default **"&times;"** clsoe button on top right.      	Give **false** if to hide.  </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>overlayColor</td>     <td>CSS Color</td>     <td>black</td>     <td>Change color of the overlay background.      	Accepts CSS color names or hex color codes.     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>overlayOpacity</td>     <td>0.0 - 1.0</td>     <td>0.9</td>     <td>Transparency of overlay background. Accepts CSS '_opacity_' values.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>focus</td>     <td>boolean</td>     <td>false</td>     <td>If want to focus on the first '_input_' or '_textarea_' when the popup is opened.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>escClose</td>     <td>boolean</td>     <td>true</td>     <td>Allow popup to close by pressing "Escape" or "Esc" key.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>closeClass</td>     <td>string</td>     <td>"pop-close"</td>     <td>If want any link **&lt;a&gt;** or **button** or any element inside your content to trigger **popup close**, give it this classname.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>fadeSpeed</td>     <td>number</td>     <td>200</td>     <td>Speed of fade animation while closing popup. Accepts jquery speed value for fadeOut.</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>buttons</td>     <td>Array object</td>     <td></td>     <td>Syntax:      	<pre class="code">[{ label [,classname] [,clickEvent]}]</pre>          Example: 
[   { label: 'Save changes',      classname: 'primary',      clickEvent: function(){alert('Saving changes');}   },   { label: 'Close'} ]
	</td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>contentType</td>     <td>**"ajax"** or **"iframe"** or **#elementID**</td>     <td></td>     <td>     	You can add dynamic content via AJAX, or embed a video or a webpage using iframe,  		or take the content from an existing element in the DOM using '#' (for element ID).     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>loadUrl</td>     <td>string</td>     <td></td>     <td><small>Applied for contentType AJAX and Iframe.</small>      	Source URL to load via AJAX or iframe.  		<small>_Note: Currently do not support cross-domain URL for AJAX_</small>     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>iframeHeight</td>     <td>number</td>     <td>300px</td>     <td>Set height for Iframe content.      	<small>Accepts percent (%) or pixels (px)</small>          <small>_Dynamic height coming soon._</small>     </td> </tr> <tr> 	<td>iframeWidth</td>     <td>number</td>     <td>100%</td>     <td>Set width for the Iframe content.      	<small>Accepts percent (%) or pixels (px)</small>     </td> </tr> 


  • jQuery 1.9.1 or above

Coming soon

  • IFrame dynamic height - Auto content height
  • Forms - Built in form submitting from popup

Check: Demo   Github

Download: Minified(5kb)   Source

Develped by Elton Jain / @eltonjain

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